orange tubing

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Results 1 - 4 from 4 for orange tubing in 0.203 sec.

The Straw House Blog: Lights Archives
I found one that could get me affordable orange tubing. With that settled I started experimenting with my rods and lights ... I sanded the remaining three rods and glued on the lights. The orange tubing has two purposes: first it covers and protects the light, and ... orange might also glow a bit from the light, and it does, but not as much as I'd like. I also left the orange tubing ...

The Straw House Blog: November 2003 Archives
I found one that could get me affordable orange tubing. With that settled I started experimenting with my rods and lights ... I sanded the remaining three rods and glued on the lights. The orange tubing has two purposes: first it covers and protects the light, and ... orange might also glow a bit from the light, and it does, but not as much as I'd like. I also left the orange tubing ... More from this site

Activity ideas for school grounds -species surveys
One possible design consists of a six inch length of wine siphon tubing with a length of drinking straw wedged into one end with muslin. A more elaborate ...

Larry Brand Flouts the Grant System
In one small lab he has no working electrical outlets, forcing him to run an orange extension cord from a $100,000 spectrofluorometer -- which helps him measure compounds in algae -- to ...

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