oiled sediment

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Results 1 - 7 from 7 for oiled sediment in 0.317 sec.

Science and the Environment Bulletin: Staged Spill Sheds Light on Beach Clean-Up
They included moving the oiled sediment closer to the ... also compared to no treatment—that is, leaving the sediment to natural cleaning processes. Oil biodegradation occurred in both the oiled sediment and the fine oil-mineral aggregates washed into the ...

IncidentNews: Barge Bouchard 155
The plan called for mechanical removal of the heavy buried layers, manual removal of moderately oiled sediments, and mechanically pushing ... very thick oil that had been deposited around some mangrove islands. Tarmats formed when sediment was mixed with oil along the shallow flats surrounding the islands. Large thick mats ...

Some improvements to existing recreational sites along the waterfront 4. Additional Sediment Cleanup --- The Service could require more PCB sediment cleanups if they decide the state and EPA's cleanup plan is ... Sound were contaminated by oil. 200 miles were heavily or moderately oiled, and 1,100 miles were lightly or very lightly oiled. Type of water resource? Saltwater bay connected to the ...

ITOPF - About Marine Spills - Environmental Impact
They often support large populations of migrating birds, indigenous populations of specialist sediment dwellers and shellfisheries. They also act as nursery areas for some species. Oil can ... oil spills or by aggressive clean-up activity, such as trampling or removal of oiled substrate. In tropical regions, mangrove swamps replace saltmarshes and provide an extremely rich and ...

64.70; LA Stormwater Ordinance
Industrial Activity” means any public or private activity which is associated with ... as fuels, lubricants, surfactants, waste oils, solvents, coolants, and grease); (d) Excessive eroded soil, sediment, and particulate materials in amounts which may adversely affect the beneficial use of ...

FSS 2002 Archives | Emergency Management | US EPA
Fabricated Aboveground Tank Standards Presentation (PDF) (15 pp, 139K) Gilbert, Eileen Rehabilitation of Oiled Wildlife in Inland Areas The M/T Westchester Incident: Response Preparedness Assists Wildlife ... received Wrenn, Brian Biological Control Methods Anaerobic Biodegradation of Vegetable Oil by Freshwater Sediment Bacteria Abstract (PDF) (1 pg, 33K) Zengel, Scott Sensitivity Mapping and GIS ...

IncidentNews: Other Special Interest Issues
Geological Survey, and University of Rhode Island (URI) vessels collected more than 200 water and sediment samples. Fish and shellfish samples were collected at 43 biological stations during a subsequent ... two command posts were consolidated, public information problems were minimized.\\Shore-based cleanup of oiled seabirds was funded by the OSC under the direction of the Massachusetts Division of ...

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