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What is Oil Gator
Oil Gator What is Oil Gator®? Oil Gator® is a chemically modified plant fiber containing all of the necessary ingredients (nitrogen, sulfur and ... food source. Oil Gator® works to bioremediate oil spills; as it "eats" hydrocarbons, it releases carbon dioxide and water. When available hydrocarbons are depleted, any remaining Oil Gator® will bioremediate itself. . Under normal conditions, Oil Gator® ...
Behind Oil Gator
Behind Oil Gator The Story Behind Oil Gator™ The development of OIL GATOR began in 1988 in Jackson, Mississippi. The intent was to develop a hydrocarbon absorbent which ... order to absorb hydrocarbons. Testing of OIL GATOR’s unique properties carried on during which time it was determined that an indigenous micro-organism existed within OIL GATOR’s cellulose fibers. The ammonium sulphate ...
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Gulf Coast
Of beached gars And see the dreamy haze Of oil on water Nearby an alligator stares With tabby eyes A great heron ... Dolphins jest and jump in the distance, not too far Shrimp boats and oil tankers. Cute boys with built bodies, skim board along the shore Surf ... The story about the missing boy Who became lunch for a 10-foot gator, And the one about the family Who found the girl's body ...
The Straw House Blog: Renewable Energy Archives
November likely always will be. Aside from adding gas, I check the oil once a month, clean the air filter every other month, and just generally check it ... is that if I fall it will be into four foot deep drifts and onto Gator, who will be trying to catch the falling snow, and will instead get me. If ...
The Straw House Blog: January 2004 Archives
I fall it will be into four foot deep drifts and onto Gator, who will be trying to catch the falling snow, and will instead get me. If ... paws hurt when we go for walks, cold enough that the oil froze in the pipe between my neighbour's oil tank and his furnace, and cold enough that one of the ...
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Outdoor Power Equipment - Lawn Mowers
USED CRANK SHAFT MODEL 287707 B & S ENGINE $75.99 John Deere Deluxe Gator Bed Protector Accessories $182.50 BRIGGS & STRATTON NOS PARTS LOT #7 $2.25 CRAFTSMAN RIDING ... $475.00 Cub Cadet Original Deck Handle $5.00 Cub Cadet JD Kohler K241 Engine oil pan $5.00 5.5 hp craftsman engine $41.00 NEW JOHN DEERE, MTD, YARDMAN ...
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