oil and gas leasing

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Results 1 - 10 from 77 for oil and gas leasing in 0.283 sec.

RE: Cancel public lands oil and gas leasing plan!
Cancel public lands oil and gas leasing plan! Letters Secretary Dirk Kempthorne Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20240 RE: Cancel public lands oil and gas leasing plan! Dear Secretary Kempthorne , I am very disturbed that the Bureau of Land Management and oil and gas industry plan to drill more ...

5-Year OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program
Oil and Gas Leasing Program Content: Terry Scholten Pagemasters: OEMM Web Team 5-Year OCS Leasing Program A 5-Year Program consists of a schedule of oil and gas lease sales indicating the size, timing and location of proposed leasing ...

5-Year OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program
Congressional moratoria prohibit future oil and gas leasing but do not apply to activities on existing leases. Existing leases in areas subject to current moratoria are located offshore both California and ... More from this site

REDOIL - Native Energy Campaign, Urgent Action and Press Releases
Inupiaq people to join us in our opposition to leasing the Chukchi Sea to oil and gas exploration and development. Help us protect our garden and the way of life we all share,” ... through government to government consultation and other public meetings. They believe litigation is the only choice still available to them to avoid oil and gas leasing in the Chukchi Sea and hopes other Inupiat will ...

Reef Relief - Coral Reef Conservation: Science Education News Photos and Information
They place Florida at risk of a large or catastrophic spill. We encourage you to: *Oppose any new offshore oil and gas leasing, exploration, drilling activity and seismic inventories affecting Florida’s coast. * Permanently cancel the 90+ existing and active leases, some as ...

Oak Foundation: Marine Environment Bering Sea and North Pacific
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund To secure permanent protection from federal and state offshore oil and gas leasing for Alaska's Bristol Bay by working to restore the annual legislative Outer Continental Shelf moratorium in the US Congress and ...

Cook Inletkeeper - Energy - Leasing
Overview Federal Leasing State Leasing Coal Bed Methane Seismic Testing Cook Inletkeeper OIL AND GAS LEASING As oil and gas prices remain high, and old reserves ebb further toward ... oil and gas leasing in the frontier waters of lower Cook Inlet under the Minerals Management Service’s latest 5-year plan. And for the first time in fifteen years, an oil and gas corporation, Escopeta Oil ...

Energy Kids' Page - Offshore Oil and Natural Gas
A few of these are already producing oil and gas. It is estimated that 30 percent of undiscovered US gas and oil reserves are in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The first oil ... and abandoned. Nearly all current leasing and development activity occurs in the central and western Gulf of Mexico. There, more than 4,000 platforms are operating in waters up to 6,000 feet deep, and ...

Dinosaur National Monument Again Under Threat from Oil & Gas Leasing | The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees
Oil & Gas Leasing | The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees The Green Blood Still Runs Deep Home Members Press Room Dinosaur National Monument Again Under Threat from Oil & Gas Leasing BLM' ... sights and sounds of oil and gas development. ``It's just horrible to watch Dinosaur National Monument, a hidden jewel of the National Park Service, come under attach from the oil and gas industry ...

Cook Inletkeeper - Energy - Oil & Gas
Leasing & Exploration Production & Processing Transportation Decommission & Removal Tribal Coalition Cook Inletkeeper Energy Campaign Oil & Gas BACKGROUND The Cook Inlet region is generally regarded as the birthplace of commercial oil and gas ...

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