Results 1 - 10 from 59 for occupancy levels in 0.304 sec.
EP - rain water
Already large areas of irrigation abutting rivers has increased held salinity levels; and areas cleared for grazing abutting riparian zones of some streams have become salt ... effects on swamp and ocean areas. Environmental projects limit the use of land to within occupancy levels where local resources, particularly water supply, will suffice. This includes allowing for poor rainfall ...
SBN Feature Article: November 1997
Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore sought hospital treatment for prolonged exposure to dangerously high levels of air pollution. Untold loss in biodiversity, plants, and animals Destroyed billions of dollars ... Sea. The tourist industry is taking a beating, resorts throughout the region reporting reduced occupancy levels. Resorts as far north as the Thai island of Phuket, 1400 kilometres from the ...
Minimizing Male Martin Nest Domination Through House Design
Sometimes I would achieve a 50% occupancy level and that was great. I rarely succeeded in achieving occupancy levels of more than 50% in such houses. However, I noticed ... is my favorite, gourds. A gourd cluster with gourds facing different directions can achieve 100% occupancy levels. Initially, male martins may control several gourds during the early part of the season, ...
Natural gourds have ALWAYS had significantly higher occupancy levels than all other types of housing I ...
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2007 IUCN Red List – Search
Given the information above ... affecting high-density populations in the early 1990s (Marino 2004). Population numbers returned to previous levels after disruption, evidencing resilience to catastrophes, but at the lower extreme of densities the population ...
Indoor Air Pollution
Several of these options may be exercised at one time. Increasing ventilation rates and air distribution often can be a cost effective means of reducing indoor pollutant levels. ...
Energy Efficient Homes: Energy Efficient Products, Building and Shelters
Offering Energy Efficient Computers CYBER-RAIN Weather-Based Sprinkler Controller that Automatically Adjusts Lawn Watering Levels, Saves Water and Reduces Water Bill DAVIS CAVES EARTH SHELTER HOMES Energy Efficient Homes & ... $44 per year, per computer, depending on what you pay per kilowatt-hour. Install an occupancy sensor in hallways, bathrooms and other areas where lights can be left off most of ...
Sourcebook: Lighting
Outdoor Lighting In outdoor lighting, photocells will respond to daylight levels and activate the outdoor light operation when darkness arrives. To be most conserving in ... only when needed by responding to the presence of people. Occupancy Sensors In rooms that do not have natural light, an occupancy sensor can prove highly conserving when connected to background ...
NMPIF Other 1
BBS maintain 2.14 productivity rates until occupany of territories increases (Johnson 1998) increase occupancy rate of territories to 85% in any given year by 2019, and then maintain(Johnson ... above occupancy rate a minimum productivity rate of 1.45 young per adult pair should be maintained encourage organic farming practices among non-organic farms limit insecticide use to lowest feasible levels ...
Radon Real Estate, Radon Dangers, Radon Home Test, Radon In The Home, Levels Of Radon
This means testing in the lowest level that you currently live ... . The radon test result is important information about your home's levels of radon. Some states require radon measurement testers to follow a ...
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