numeric criteria

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Use and class data by National Designated Use 201 KB State Numeric Criteria 523 KB EPA Numeric Criteria 164 KB State Vs. EPA Numeric Criteria 1 MB a. Usage guidelines: Unzip the files using a file ...

ICCA states as its major objectives for Bonn
The chemical industry’s major objectives in the UNEP POPs negotiation are (1) numeric criteria and a listing process for candidate POPs that are risk based and science justified, and ... on emissions, use and/or production. There are significant differences in government views on the numeric criteria and the need for ban/phase-out language. The global chemical industry has supported the ...

Selection Criteria for Candidate SDI (8-April-1996)
Criteria for Candidate SDI (8-April-1996) Selection Criteria for Candidate SDI A Candidate Sustainable Development Indicator ( ... List is the total set of indicators that meet the selection criteria for a Candidate SDI. The Candidate SDI List can contain any ... or "Maybe." A Candidate SDI rates as "Yes" if the parameter represents a numeric value. A Candidate SDI rates as "No" if parameter represents a ...

Microsoft Index Server: Query Language
The properties over which you can query include basic file information ... value of { 10, 15, 20 } Vectors where each value matches a criteria @vectorprop >^a 15 ActiveX documents with a vectorprop value in which ... then a (^a) for all of or a (^s) for some of. Numeric values can be in decimal or hexadecimal (preceded by 0x). The ...

investigating and comparing 1841 and 1871 census data
These are not introduced in Mathematics until Year 6. They are required only where numeric data is non-integral. Able pupils will grasp the meaning of these operators, but they ... return both types of matches. Results where all criteria are matched are ranked first, followed by records where one or other of the criteria has been matched. In offering an alternative to ...

NPC Law Library: Code of Federal Regualtions 40 CFR 211
Agency means the United States Environmental Protection Agency. (e) Acoustic descriptor means the numeric, symbolic, or narrative information describing a product's acoustic properties as they are determined ... on the issue of whether the compliance audit testing was conducted properly and whether the criteria for non-compliance in Sec. 211.212-6 have been met; and the appropriateness ...

EV (including the deletion of outstanding local resource waters). But before, there were "selection criteria" that reflected the definition. Now, the definition is empty words for the most part. ... Well, it isn’t. "Improvement" 2c—The selection criteria only list one way to determine "ecological" significance. That is determined through a numeric comparison of the aquatic insect (invertebrate life) to ...

mod_autoindex - Apache HTTP Server
IndexIgnore directives are processed, and all file names are still subjected to the same criteria as any other autoindex listing. The Query Arguments parser in mod_autoindex will stop abruptly when ... , except that substrings of digits in the name and description are compared according to their numeric value. Example: foo-1.7 foo-1.7.2 foo-1.7.12 foo-1 ...

mod_version - Apache HTTP Server
It provides a new container -- , which allows a flexible version checking including numeric comparisons and regular expressions. Examples # current httpd version is ... configuration directives which are executed only if the httpd version matches the desired criteria. For normal (numeric) comparisons the version argument has the format major[.minor[.patch]], e.g. ... More from this site

Basic Information | Water Quality Criteria | US EPA
Aquatic Life Criteria Aquatic life criteria provide protection for plants and animals that are found in surface waters. EPA develops these criteria as numeric limits on the amounts of chemicals that can be present in river, lake, or stream water without harm to aquatic life. Aquatic life criteria are designed ...

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