Results 1 - 10 from 43 for nuclear disarmament in 0.440 sec.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) | Peace And Nuclear Disarmamant:
A Call To Action
We can achieve both nuclear disarmament and peace. As we understand that all people of the world are interconnected, we can achieve both nuclear disarmament and peace. We can accomplish this through upholding an holistic vision where the claims of all living beings to the right of survival are recognized. We can achieve both nuclear disarmament ...
Welcome to Downwinders
The Guardian North Korea's nuclear wake-up call Could Pyongyang's first nuclear test convince the world to commit itself to the goal of nuclear disarmament? Commentary, John Gittings, October , 2006, The Guardian North Korea raises stakes with threat to carry out nuclear ...
"Goodbye to the War Party (Republicrats et al) and the nuclear threat"
Popular demand around the world for nuclear disarmament will run strong enough for any pro-nuke holdouts to be regime-changed from ... worshipping nuclear weapons "as God." On August 9, the mayor of Nagasaki, Itcho Ito, warned that the nuclear powers had dealt dangerous setbacks to arms-control efforts, and that agreements supporting disarmament, ...
Non Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Arms Control and Disarmament: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australian Government ... Pakistan National Day Non Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Nuclear Disarmament Nuclear Weapons Free Zones Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty ...
Nuclear Weapons And Preventive War - Opinion Forum - Global Policy Forum
In other words, NPT was a deal between the then existing five nuclear weapons powers - the US, ... use of nuclear weapons is illegal under international law, but concluded unanimously that “there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament ...
To be fair, New Labour has so far had a decent record on progress towards this objective. In the past decade Labour has scrapped Britain's other nuclear ... treaty to terminate their rival nuclear programmes. Ukraine and other former Soviet states renounced the nuclear capacity they inherited. South Africa, post-apartheid, abandoned its nuclear programme and dismantled its ...
``No Nuclear Weapons'' | COA News
Nuclear Weapons'' | COA News COA News Home | About Us | Donate | FSTV Forum | Affiliates | News Alerts | Links | Link Love ``No Nuclear Weapons'' By Sarah van Gelder George Shultz was there when nuclear disarmament ... those who don't have nuclear weapons will have access to nuclear power technology and they won't try to get nuclear weapons, and those who do have nuclear weapons will phase down ...
``No Nuclear Weapons''
Nuclear Weapons'' Published on COA News ( ``No Nuclear Weapons'' Source: [1] Lede picture: Subhead: George Shultz was there when nuclear disarmament ... those who don't have nuclear weapons will have access to nuclear power technology and they won't try to get nuclear weapons, and those who do have nuclear weapons will phase down ...
More from this site / Partners / Partner directory / Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Nuclear arms] [Peace] Nuclear Appeal to U.S. President Goes Global 12.06.2008 An appeal launched earlier this year urging the next U.S. president to make nuclear disarmament ...
Foreign Affairs - Browse By Topic - Arms Control, Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament
Affairs - Browse By Topic - Arms Control, Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament Advanced Search INTERVIEW: Redefining the War on Terror August 5, 2008 INTERVIEW: Muddled ... . Thérèse Delpech. Columbia University Press, 2007. January/February 2008 read The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation: Identity, Emotions, and Foreign Policy. Jacques E. C. Hymans. Cambridge University Press, 2006. ...
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