nuclear bombs

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Results 1 - 10 from 77 for nuclear bombs in 0.246 sec.

Indian Children's Action Plan to Create a Better Future
Give land to those who want to do organic farming. Invent a way to destroy nuclear bombs safely. Government should request that scientists do not invent anything that will harm the earth ... eat. Make a program to give wasted food to hungry people! Ban Crackers Ban Nuclear energy/bombs News Activists condemn Health minister over Coke statement Activists Strategy Meeting for Coke-Pepsi Campaign ...

Welcome to Downwinders
Nuclear Bombs By Paul Richter, May 13, 2003, Los Angeles Times Rumsfeld’s Dr. Strangelove Keith Payne, the Pentagon’s nuclear-weapons booster By Fred Kaplan; May 12, 2003, MSNBC Bush's nuclear ... s new nuclear weapons. BBC News World Edition, February 19, 2003 U.S. Explores Developing Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons By Walter Pincus, Washington Post, February 20, 2003 U.S. eyes 'usable' nuclear bombs - ...

Ionactive Consulting - radiation protection advisers & radiation protection training
Chernobyl as a 'tourist attraction'(!), sealed source security and lost nuclear bombs. This archive collects together all out ... 11 May 2007 Ionactive QA's decommissioning planning Ionactive provides independent QA advice for nuclear reactor decommissioning planning. 03 Dec 2005 RPS Training for October by Ionactive ...

Global warming and cooling during the past 400,000 years/TITLE>
Fractures can be produced by hydraulic pressure or explosives. Nuclear bombs have been used experimentally to produce fractures in gas bearing shales in the American Southwest ... is known as the father of the hydrogen bomb. Teller was a nuclear enthusiast. He also proposed that nuclear bombs be used to make sea harbors in Alaska and a sea level Panama ...

Friends of the Earth
In 1995 FOR MOTHER EARTH launched an international campaign and petition to halt nuclear testing, outlaw nuclear weapons, phase-out nuclear power, and promote energy savings and renewable energies. An average of ... October 5th a new record number of 2000 people protest the deployment of illegal US nuclear bombs at Kleine Brogel in Belgium. 1117 people are arrested during the non-violent direct action ...

Ch. 2: Warnings and Communications - Nuclear War Survival Skills
Europe and Soviet leaders were threatening massive nuclear destruction if the resisting nations should begin to use tactical nuclear weapons. With strategic warning being given by news broadcasts ... have been spared because missiles malfunctioned or missed are likely to be destroyed by nuclear bombs dropped during the first several days after the first attack. Most people should stay ...

Cold War and the promise of 'Mutual Assured Destruction', the world's nuclear arsenals contained enough bombs and warheads to kill everyone on the planet many times over. 'Overkill' ... equipped with 48 100-kiloton warheads that is, 192 independently-targetable nuclear bombs, each 8 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. 'Nuclear weapons are not comprehensible: neither you nor I have any ...

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) | Peace And Nuclear Disarmamant: A Call To Action
With a world at risk, we must find the bombs in our own lives and disarm them. We must listen ... new nuclear weapons. Challenge those who seek nuclear rearmament. Challenge those who seek nuclear escalation. Challenge those who would make of any nation a nuclear target. Challenge those who would threaten to use nuclear ...

Nuclear energy
But in atomic bombs, almost pure pieces of uranium-235 or plutonium, of a ... in case of an accident. Experiences with nuclear programmes differ and the future of nuclear power remains uncertain because of public reaction. ... on Nuclear energy link to ...

Convention banning cluster bombs adopted | COA News
Home | About Us | Donate | FSTV Forum | Affiliates | News Alerts | Links | Link Love Convention banning cluster bombs adopted By DUBLIN (AFP) Remnants of a cluster bomb. AFP A landmark international convention banning ... Jun 26 - 12:19pm more Politics A Powerful Peace 2008 Aug 7 - 10:39pm ``No Nuclear Weapons'' 2008 Aug 7 - 10:36pm McCain campaign hides secret of Iraq surge "success" 2008 ...

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