northern harriers

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Northern Harriers in Kansas
Northern Harriers in Kansas NORTHERN HARRIER Photos by Bob Gress Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus Measurements: Length: 17 - 19 inches Wingspread: 41 - 46 inches Weight: 12 - ... and Alaska. Northern harriers are commonly found in Kansas throughout the winter months and occasionally remain through the summer to nest, on the ground, in fields, grasslands or marshes. Food: Northern harriers usually feed ...

Up in the sky!
Illinois at migration time. It's a northern harrier! The white tail patch is a dead giveaway. All northern harriers have it. Return to Birds of Prey Directory | Return to ...

The Canadian Peregrine Foundation -- Raptor Photo Gallery
Foundation -- Raptor Photo Gallery The Canadian Peregrine Foundation Raptor Identification - Northern Harrier Circus Cyaneus If you have any photos of Northern Harriers that you would like to contribute, please e-mail them to ...

Alachua Audubon - Best Birding Sites
Prairie basin. Look for American Bitterns, Sandhill Cranes (thousands winter here), Northern Harriers, Red-tailed Hawks, Bald Eagles, Marsh and Sedge Wrens, and a variety of ... Found Eastern Bluebirds, Pine Warblers, Summer Tanagers, Brown-headed Nuthatches, Eastern Towhees, Brown Thrashers, Northern Bobwhites, and various woodpeckers are all resident. The arrival and departure of breeding ...

Short-eared Owls in Kansas
In flight they can be confused with northern harriers. They are rather diurnal and can often be seen hunting during mornings and late afternoons ... Kansas Owls EASTERN SCREECH OWL SNOWY OWL BARN OWL LONG-EARED OWL GREAT HORNED OWL NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL BARRED OWL BURROWING OWL Raptor's Roost Text: Bob Gress and Vanessa ...

Hudson River Almanac -- Dec.-Jan.
Hudson River salinity was 5.1 ppt. -- Andra Sramek, Barry Keegan ...

Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation: Prairie management and restoration
Indiana and as far west as the Rocky Mountains. Its northern reaches extend into Canada and can be found as far south as Texas. Historically there ... prairie provides wildlife habitat. You may see signs of badgers, butterflies, bobolinks, red fox, opossums, northern harriers, jackrabbits, raccoons, American toads, leopard frogs, and many nesting birds. Due to their massive root ...

The Raptor Foundation - Short-eared Owl
Marsh Harriers & Hen (or Northern) Harriers (Circus cyaneus) &, like the harriers, will often hover over their prey before dropping down feet ... have been observed in stealing prey from kestrels & stoats & attacking harriers. They are themselves, often attacked by harriers, kestrels, ravens & carrion crows. Carrion crows will also often rob ...

Hawks Harriers have slender bodies, long wings, tails, and legs, and use a buoyant flight to fly low over the ground in search of food. These hawks have a facial disc that allows them to use their sense of hearing to help locate prey. Most harriers show color differences between the adult male and female birds.

Salt Grass Flats - Northern Caracara
Northern Caracara Caracara cheriway Wingspan: 48" Length: 20 - 23" Weight: 2.2 pounds M/F outwardly ... alternating with short glides, often gliding low over the ground twisting and turning similar to harriers. In flight they show white patches near the tips of their wings. Their white ...

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