norse greenland

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Bibliography climate and Vikings in North Atlantic
Greenland', Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin, 183 (1999) 61--67. Available online: Lynnerup, Niels, `Life and Death in Norse Greenland', ... medieval North Atlantic', Human Ecology 16 (1988) 45-105. Pringle, Heather, `Death in Norse Greenland', Science, Vol. 275, Issue 5302, 924-926, 14 February 1997. Richardson,Sarah, "Vanished ...

Publications list for Ogilvie, A.E.J
Norse farmers in medieval Greenland.” Antiquity 70(267), 88-96 (R) (keywords: climate change historical agriculture Greenland) Ogilvie, A.E.J., 1995 “Fisheries, ... and the Academy of Sciences & Literature in Mainz. (R) (keywords: historical sea ice Iceland Greenland) Ogilvie, A.E.J., 1993 “Climate.” entry in 'Medieval Scandinavia'. An Encyclopedia. (Eds. ...

Reviews published in Global biodiversity by the Canadian Museum of Nature
J.T. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada and Greenland (G.W. Argus), 4(2): 41. Kavanaugh, D.H. Carabid beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae) of ... (4): 49. New, T.R. Invertebrate surveys for conservation (H.V. Danks), 8(3):28. Norse, E.A. Global marine biological diversity (D.E. McAllister), 3(4): 47. Norton, Bryan G ...

Timeline of European Environmental History - Middle Ages
Vikings reach Island and Greenland during the milder condition that prevailed during Medieval Warm Period. Norse settlers arrived in Iceland in the 9th and Greenland in the 10th century with ... the Little Ice Age. Sea ice increased and the growing seasons on Iceland and Greenland decreased several weeks, which made the difference between famine and survival. Main sections Bibliography ...

Bottlenose - the Prince of Whales
Fifth Meeting of the Council of NAMMCO in Nuuk, Greenland in February 1995. This was based on historical catch statistics and ... -eyed prince - shades of Norse mythology? The Faroese word for the bottlenose whale, døglingur, derives from the Old Norse word dòglingr, which was poetic ... one eye is most certainly a reference to the one-eyed Norse god, Oðin, king of the gods of Valhalla. In one ...

Arctic Studies Center - Publications - Newsletters
Kensington Runestone, the Narwhal Tusk Expedition and Research, and Site Selection Criteria of the Norse in Greenland. ASC news updates include donations, conferences, distinguished visitors, the Aleut visit to the Alaska ...

Helluland/Markland Archeology
Dorset people living in the Eastern Canadian Arctic and northern Greenland during the early period of the Norse occupation in Greenland (1000-1200). Dorset people did not use dogs or dogsleds, or ... the Dorset. A scatter of Norse artifacts have been found in Thule sites throughout much of the Eastern Arctic and northern Greenland, and a large trove of Norse materials has been found in ... More from this site

directory | DeSmogBlog
Southern Greenland, and Ingibjorg Gisladottir, a guide to the Brattahlid Ruins (the original site of Eric the Red, Greenland settlement) say they were told they were contributing to a video on Norse history ...

Species Spotlight: Narwhal - Defenders of Wildlife
Paul Nicklen/National Geographic Images It comes to us with many names. Narwhal is Old Norse for "corpselike" and refers to this Arctic whale's mottled black-and-white skin. Linnaeus ... the most dangerous: global warming. Evolved to live in ice-covered seas, narwhals eat mostly Greenland halibut. But these fish are now at risk as ocean temperatures warm, currents change and ...

Global Warming Kyoto Earth Summit Fact Sheet
North America and Europe flourished and the southern regions of Greenland were free of ice, allowing cultivation by Norse settlers. Misconception: Global warming would increase the frequency of violent storms ...