Results 1 - 10 from 144 for noise sensitive in 0.300 sec.
Islands Trust - Stewardship Advice
Aircraft Operators Aircraft Operations in the Vicinity of the Gulf Islands Map of Gulf Islands Noise Sensitive Areas ^ top Stewardship Guides Using Conservation Covenants Green Space and Growth Habitat Aquisition Trust Manual ...
League for the Hard of Hearing > Education, Advocacy & Outreach
Although individual susceptibility to hearing loss from noise exposure varies widely, there are currently no standardized tests that can detect the more noise sensitive members of the population. Question: I've already lost some or most of my hearing. Why should I have to wear hearing protection? Response: The existence of a noise ...
Noise: Environmental: Quarries & Landfills [MPG11]
MPG11, the noise limits are set out in the terms that "The Government takes the view that during the working week... daytime nominal limit at noise sensitive properties used as dwellings ... use is mandatory under certain circumstances. One of the most common sources of complaint is noise from reversing bleepers; perhaps its not surprising that they can disturb residents given that there ...
Noise: Environmental: Planning Guidance [PPG 24]
Transportation Noise Affected Proposed Housing When assessing the suitability of a site for a noise sensitive development, the prevailing free-field noise ...
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NPC Online Library: Highway Traffic Noise
Many local governments are working on land use control. Less noise-sensitive commercial buildings can be placed next to a highway with residences further away. Highway Planning and Design Early in the planning stages of most highway improvements, highway agencies do a noise ...
NPC Resources: Swimming Pool Filter Motor Noise Pollution
... are three grounds from which noise from a domestic pool pump can give rise to a nuisance complaint: noise heard within a habitable room of a noise sensitive place; noise affecting the area of land occupied by the place and its enclosed yard and outbuildings (known as the curtilage of the place); and noise at the boundary ...
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MedlinePlus: Noise
Noise Noise is all around you, from televisions and radios to lawn mowers and washing machines. Harmful sounds - sounds that are too loud or loud sounds over a long time - can damage sensitive structures of the inner ear and cause noise- ... noise on patients: a study... Article: Investigation of road-traffic noise and annoyance in Beijing: a cross-sectional... Noise -- see more articles Noise ...
Noise Free America - Legal Agenda
Noise-silencing technologies: The FAA should give high priority to the goal of reducing by at least half the current “noise quotient” near existing airports within ten years using noise-sensitive routing protocols and noise ...
Noise Free America - Model Ordinances: Anchorage, Alaska
Existing areas posted as quiet zones shall be considered noise-sensitive zones until otherwise designated. B ... noise disturbance across a residential real property boundary or within a noise-sensitive zone. 11. Noise-sensitive zones. No person shall create or cause the creation of any sound within any noise-sensitive ...
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Harford Land Trust - Unlikely Partnership Protects Sensitive Watershed Farm
Photo gallery Home > Our work > News > Unlikely Partnership Protects Sensitive Watershed Farm Unlikely Partnership Protects Sensitive Watershed Farm | Print | Written by Peg Niland Saturday, 02 December ... tactical vehicle testing might be negatively impacted as new homeowners respond to vehicle noise, after-hours headlights, or nuisance dust. Additionally, by the Army protecting biodiversity ...
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