nitrogen atoms

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Results 1 - 10 from 35 for nitrogen atoms in 0.265 sec.

Think Energy Nitrogen The gas nitrogen (N2), composed of molecules of two nitrogen atoms, occupies 78% of the Earth's atmosphere. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Nitrogen is as important as it is common. It's essential to the nutrition of plants and animals. Nitrogen ...

What's New in the World of Science: June 1996
Earth's magnetic field. These charged particles collide with oxygen and nitrogen atoms, and the resulting ions (atoms charged by the loss or gain of electrons) emit radiation at wavelengths ... outer electrons from their parent atoms. Eventually, the atoms get back together with their lost electrons and give up energy in the form of light. In particular, when nitrogen atoms are ripped apart ...

Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby
It is not emitted directly into the air, but at ground level is created by a chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and ...

Freshwater Website: Groundwater (Groundwater quality)
A molecule of water contains only hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Water is never found in a pure state in nature. Both groundwater and surface ... contains higher concentrations of sodium chloride, and downwind of industrial areas, airborne sulphur and nitrogen compounds make precipitation acidic. One of the most important natural changes in groundwater chemistry ...

Nitrous oxide sinks - atmosphere and soils
The breakup of nitrous oxide molecules in this way results in an average atmospheric lifetime ... global scale. It is driven by denitrification by soil bacteria, which convert nitrous oxide into nitrogen gas. In most global nitrous oxide budgets soil uptake is simply included in the total ...

Terms Beginning With "I"
Ionizing Radiation: Radiation that can strip electrons from atoms; e.g. alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. IRIS: EPA's Integrated Risk Information System, ... level exposure, or chronic from repeated low-level exposures to such compounds as chlorine, nitrogen dioxide, and nitric acid. Isoconcentration: More than one sample point exhibiting the same isolate ...

The earth is surrounded by its gas atmosphere mainly composed of oxygen and nitrogen but also of other gases including carbon dioxide, (C02) methane (NH4), nitrous oxides, water vapour ... a family of hydrocarbons containing one or several fluorine atoms. The main difference with the CFCs is that these molecules contain no chlorine atoms and thus have no ozone-depleting potential. Members ...

FMI - Research - Atmosphere - Ozone and UV radiation
Fortunately, CFC compounds, chlorine and bromine atoms do not remain in the stratosphere for ever. When, say, a chlorine atom reacts ... crystals are formed in the stratosphere, which release chlorine in a reactive form, binding the nitrogen molecules required to take part in the restoring reactions. If the Sun has already ...

solar electricity
Burning fossil fuels in conventional power stations releases nitric oxides, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide, causing acid rain which damages forests, wildlife and human health; it ...

Amphibian Articles - Introduction to the Nitrogen Cycle
Article 0009 Introduction to the Nitrogen Cycle What is the Nitrogen Cycle? The nitrogen cycle is the process by which toxic ammonia (NH3) is converted ... potential of Hydrogen, and is the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration in grams, atoms, or moles per liter of a solution. The pH scale ranges from 1 - 14, ...

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