nicaraguan government

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The Oceanic Resource Foundation: Underwater Photography / Marine Conservation
Minamata-disease patients. At least some 150 participants from the academe, government and non-government groups, including Secretary ... Youth!), UCA (University of Central America) and other Nicaraguan biologists and conservationists have requested support to pressure the Nicaraguan government to enforce the General Law of the Environment ...

The Oceanic Resource Foundation: Underwater Photography / Marine Conservation
It outlines needed changes, including elimination of government subsidies that encourage overfishing, an end to fishing methods that damage fish ... Environmental Youth!), UCA (University of Central America) and other Nicaraguan biologists and conservationists have requested support to pressure the Nicaraguan government to enforce the General Law of the Environment, ... More from this site

Groundwork Institute - Nicaragua Project Description - High Quality Low Cost Housing
Nicaraguan government, and in this case specifically the Agrarian Reform. We have demonstrated that people in ... know about their own local resources. Thus it should be first acknowledged that the Nicaraguan government has provided the most fundamental conditions for doing this work.  Through the agrarian ...

Costa Rica - Juan Santamaria (National Hero)
Southern Confederacy. Walker had managed to take over the Nicaraguan government in 1855 and to name himself “President” of this nation. Next, he looked ... national identity, Juan Santamaria was partly invented by the Liberalist government. Palmer’s fascinating study proposes that the government of the late nineteenth century needed to consolidate a national identity ...

Safeguarding Nicaragua’s dry forest fragments
In 1983 the Nicaraguan government gazetted Central America’s second largest fragment of dry forest to create ... has already established partnerships between private landowners, representatives of nearby communities, the municipal government and conservation groups. Increasing the effectiveness of protection and enforcement activities and ...

Accomplishments - Green Empowerment
Central America. Initiated a new relationship with another Nicaraguan NGO, Asofenix in March 2002. Attended the official Grand Opening event of the Long ... and technical support. Matching grants were received from the EnerGreen Foundation (Canada, $6,500), the Nicaraguan Government ($15,000), the Peoples' Republic of China ($4,700), Community of La Pita ($7, ...

Travel in the Age of Internet | Planeta
Response from the Nicaraguan government - the budget of this agency was cut by 30 percent. Successful planning and implementation ... 1) citizen or public participation, 2) accountability and transparency of institutions - whether they are government agencies, non governmental organizations or travel agents or manufacturers. Who uses Internet? Who ...

The Business of Conservation, or the Conservation of Business? (Do or Die)
As Nicaraguan environmentalist Lorenzo Cardenal has said, "The ecological movement as a form of popular mobilisation ... attempted to neutralise it.".[7] Likewise, in the US, a leaked memorandum from the Government's Environmental Protection Agency described the "'environmental justice movement'... as the greatest threat to ...

Hidden Villa Kids Penpals - Becoming Allies
Villa Kids Penpals - Becoming Allies | Intro | | Penpals are Fun | | Becoming Allies | | Tour (Español) | Our Nicaraguan Friends ~ Becoming Allies "It’s important that kids from different places share ideas about their ... could be their ally by trying to convince the government with our letters to not let the companies pollute. We can ask the government to tell the companies that they must close ...

Printed Matter -- Joan Kruckewitt -- Page
"The Nicaraguan experience allowed me to better understand poverty, ignorance, and lack of education and opportunity ... CIA games, and to cause death and destruction throughout Central America. "From the Nicaraguan experience, our government should have learned to use our tax dollars for constructive purposes, and not ...

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