Results 1 - 10 from 67 for ngos and voluntary organizations in 0.309 sec.
Organic Agri-business Value Chain, Agribusiness Value Chain, Morarka NGO
NGOs and voluntary organizations comes under the category of Pre-Production and Production Activities. Small entrepreneurs in rural areas supported by private sector and NGOs ...
ENB @ UNFCCC COP-12 and Kyoto COP/MOP-2, Nairobi, Kenya; 17
November 2006
UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer presented the financial implications of the decisions agreed at the COP, COP/MOP and subsidiary bodies. Around the COP and ...
CHAMP - Coral Reefs and Governments - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Thus ICRI is unique and its strength lies in the fact that it is a voluntary body with basic ... and 1998) and 7 ICRI Regional Workshops between 1995 and 1997. ICRI voluntary partnership of developing countries, donor counties, development banks, international environmental and development agencies, scientific associations, the private sector and NGOs ...
The NGO Cafe: Pigeon Holes
NGOs and related organizations What exactly is an NGO? How can we define one? How do NGOs look at themselves? How do others look at NGOs? "NGO Pigeon Holes" contains definitions and descriptions of NGOs and related organizations ...
Suggestions for Further Research - NGOs - Global Policy Forum
Organizations and Voluntary Action Centre for Civil Society at LSE, London International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) Civil Society and Governance Program - Institute of Development Studies at University of Sussex, UK NGO/UN Links NGOs and ...
GEO-2000: Outlook and recommendations
NGOs; encouraging industry, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, to set environmental targets; stimulating action by national governments; and increasing support for and the coordination of international organizations ...
GEO-2000: Introduction - Synthesis - Outlook and recommendations
Mobilizing action Solutions to environmental issues must come from cooperative action between all those involved - individuals, NGOs, industry, local and national governments, and international organizations ...
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A city defends its natural heritage: Hong Kong's Country and Marine Parks
Involving NGOs Nongovernmental organizations are very important to conservation of PAs in Hong Kong. They are essential in forming and ...
Species-specific Marine Conservation Organizations -
Publishing scientific findings in both professional and popular formats through various media, Offering practical experiences for interns and volunteers, Producing educational films for television, and finally to collaborate with and facilitate organizations and ...
Update on Iraq - International Studies and Programs - Michigan Sate University
- Directories
Iraq. By InterAction, the American Council for Voluntary International Action. Oxfam - Iraq Crisis Features and news stories about humanitarian crisis in Iraq and ...
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