nesting pairs

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Sable Island Birds Nesting I
The first petrels arrive in the colony ... , five pairs returned to the nesting site, but only one live chick was seen (July 27 and 31); in 1999 five pairs were on nesting platforms ... just a few at the turn of the century, to thousands of nesting pairs today. Consequently, terns may be subjected to increasing predation which ...

NMPIF Forests 3
N = 30, RA=0.01 (Sauer et al. 1997) maintain or increase current known 2 nesting pairs in the Mexican Highlands maintain or increase populations in the Mogollon Rim, Colorado Plateau and ... richness are also associated with nesting areas uses a variety of understory species for nesting but especially Gambel oak percentage of dead trees is negatively correlated with nesting areas nests built on ground ...

NMPIF Forests 4
(Sauer et al. 1997) maintain or increase current known 2 nesting pairs in the Mexican Highlands maintain or increase populations in ... to ponderosa than Red-naped Sapsucker availability of suitable nesting sites critical component, preferring snags or cavities in live ... More from this site

The Canadian Peregrine Foundation -- USA & International home page
In all Ohio now has 22 nesting pairs of falcons, including the two nests in the Toledo area, ... overlooking Little Lake Butte des Morts. Wisconsin has about 20 pairs of nesting peregrine falcons, but Riot and Karla, as the birds ... state, he said. More than 20 falcon pairs are nesting in Ohio. Six pairs are nesting in the Cleveland area alone, including at Terminal ...

EEK! - Critter Corner - The Osprey
They select nesting sites near the water and build on top of trees or power poles. Often they ... Endangered Species List. Since the banning of DDT, populations have recovered to more than 364 nesting pairs in the state. In 1989 the osprey was reclassified from endangered to threatened. Watch for ...

EEK! - Critter Corner - Peregrine Falcon
Wisconsin. Today, there are only seven nesting pairs (as of 1997) that can be found around Wisconsin. They ... and "wichew" calls from mid-air. Pairs return year after year to use the same nesting ledge, called an eyrie. They prepare ... many chicks never hatched. By the early 1970s, there were no nesting pairs of peregrines in the Eastern United States. The Road to Recovery ... More from this site

Endangered Species Facts
Since 1983, the number of nesting pairs has ranged from 12 to 19. All of the Great Lakes pairs nest in Michigan. What ... vegetation to grow on the prime nesting beaches, making these sites unsuitable for successful nesting. Nest Disturbance and Predation Piping ... In Michigan, several landowners have formally agreed to protect plover nesting habitat. Public Education Many states and private agencies are ...

Rare and Endangered Species
Wildlife Service Endangered Species Bald Eagle - by 1963 there were estimated to be only 417 nesting pairs of Bald Eagles found in the lower 48 states of the U.S. In 1967 ... preceded the Endangered Species Act. Today it is estimated that there are around 7,066 nesting pairs in the lower 48 states and it is classified as Threatened. To read about efforts ...

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Migratory Bird Management, Issues, Atlantic Population of Canada Geese, Status and Management
Quebec documented a more precipitous decline in AP numbers from 118,000 nesting pairs recorded in 1988 to 90,000 in 1993, 40,000 in 1994, and 29,000 pairs ... AP geese extends from Labrador and Newfoundland westward to the Ungava Peninsula of Quebec, with nesting concentrations occurring around Ungava Bay and along the northeastern shore of Hudson Bay. Banding data ...

Peregrine Falcons in Kansas
Conservationists, falconers and government agencies united to carry out one of the largest recovery and restoration project ever attempted. Now there are an estimated 3,000 breeding pairs ...

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