nerve gas

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Results 1 - 10 from 49 for nerve gas in 0.214 sec.

SBR Technologies, Inc.
Acid Ethylbenzene Phenols Trinitrotoluene Toluene Xylenes Carbohydrates Chemical Weapons Nerve Gas (VX) Mustard Gas (HD) Chlorinated Organics Chloroform Chlorophenol Di, Tri, Tetra Chloroethylene ... Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTEB) Naphthalene Nitrates Nitrites Organophosphates Hydrolyzed Nerve Agents, eg VX, Sarin, Herbicides - Glyphosates Insectides Phenols Chlorophenols, Methylphenols ...

Title for news update
Army's $400 million chemical-weapons incinerator will begin its first operational burn of deadly nerve gas weapons. The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) located in the remote and sparsely ... facilities plans to burn over 14,000 tons of toxic nerve gas and other chemical warfare agents. In addition to the M55 nerve gas filled rockets the Tooele Army Depot stockpiles a variety of ...

Brain control of the masses via pollutants
Farben, the Nazi-era conglomerate, which utilized fluoride in creative, profitable ways, including deadly nerve gas. After the war, with decades of effective propaganda from Alcoa, most U.S. municipalities ... are electronegative elements, with fluorine exhibiting the strongest electronegativity of the three. Elemental fluorine gas is never found in nature in pure form, it is mined and extracted from ...

Environmentalists Against War: Say No! to War
This constitutes a frightening 28% of the total - far worse than US troops experienced in ...

What's Wrong With Tax Credits For Landfill Gas Energy Recovery?
Landfill gases are not limited to methane. They also include known carcinogenic and lethal nerve gases that may lie behind health impacts that have been observed among people living ... creating products in urban areas from clean, separated organic materials. Tax subsidies for landfill gas recovery will stifle innovation and investment in developing new bioconversion technologies based on clean ...

A Primer on the Media
CNN and Time conceded their Vietnam nerve gas story wasn't true. And the Cincinnati Enquirer retracted articles it had published on Chiquita ...

Urban and Other Infernos: An Author's Apocalypse Now
Park on Thin Ice," or the news chronicle of how operator errors had released deadly nerve gas at the Army's chemical weapons incinerator in Utah. Consult the reports of mercury in ...

UK-manufactured mustard gas and 17,000 tonnes of the German nerve gas Tabun; these were loaded into 24 ... metres of water, are unknown but undoubtedly large quantities of mustard gas. Some estimates put it at over 1 million litres. Unsurprisingly ... of French, British and German shells, many of which contained poison gas, had to be disposed of. The British were the first ...

ReSource - Weekly Musings: The EPA's Slight of Hand: Laundering Radioactive Sludge in Denver
Denver's Superfund sites; including the Rocky Mountain Arsenal which produced nerve gas, Martin Marietta's Titan Missile program, and Coors's radioactive waste from their days as ...

INFILTEC: HUMOR: Chicken Joke Redux
Saddam Hussein #2: It is the Mother of all Chickens. Joseph Stalin: I ...

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