neo liberalism

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Mujeres Creando (Do or Die)
Altiplano region, demanding land and an end to neo-liberalism. After two of them were killed by government troops, peasant leader Felipe Quispe said: "Now ...

Introduction to the Global Economy / Global Econ 101
Robert Weissman A Short History of Neo-liberalism -- Twenty Years of Elite Economics and Emerging Opportunities for Structural Change, by Susan George What is Neo-Liberalism? -- A Brief Definition, by Elizabeth Martinez and ...

Behind the Balaclavas (Do or Die)
They see their struggle in an international framework, but news is hard to come ... is part of a global awakening. The recent Second Intergalactic Encuentro for Humanity and Against Neo-Liberalism proved them right. Thousands of grassroots activists from across the world gathered together in ...

Topic Area: Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQ) in Fisheries
No. 4 (1997): 253-280. (2) Ibarra, Alsonso Aguilar; Reid, Chris; and Thorpe, Andy, "Neo-Liberalism and Its Impact on Overfishing and Overcapitalization in the Marine Fisheries of Chile, Mexico, ... policies for common-pool fish stocks. Fish stocks were being increasingly depleted given the neo-liberal policies of trade liberalization and privatization, which began with Augosto Pinochet’s 1973 ...

Conservative politicians who say they hate "liberals" -- meaning the political type -- have no real problem with economic liberalism, including neo-liberalism. "Neo" means we are talking about a new kind of liberalism ... . As one scholar said, "Neo-liberalism means the neo-colonization of Latin America." In the United States neo-liberalism is destroying welfare programs; ...

IMPACT Press: Article: "Revealing the Revolutionary King" -- Spring '06
We must resurrect the spirit of the man who called ...

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: August 2005
Galloway in the senate will hit your flagging, increasingly unpopular neo-con government for six. I'm also confused about this Christianity ... view a fair hearing, reasoning that Cuomo was one of liberalism's leading lights, and figuring that three hours per show ... challenged, that often were self-contradictory. He convinced me only that liberalism is a dead philosophy -- which soon proved to be the ...

#81 -- Precaution Sways a Court, 14-Mar-2007 | Environmental Research Foundation
And neo-liberalism is all about undoing that management system and replacing it with corporate self-regulation. ... regulations are mostly about -- attempting to manage the greed unleashed by capitalism. And neo-liberalism is all about undoing that management system and replacing it with corporate self-regulation. ...

Sales-tax Suicides through History
Andres Perez (AD party) had pushed privatization, IMF, and VAT, a package known as "Latin neo- liberalism." He also ran a deficit = 25% of govt. budget. Inflation rate was 45% and rising ...

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