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Testimony: S. 3113, to reinstate the Interim Mgmt Strategy governing off-road vehicle use in the Cape Hatteras NS | The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees
We believe this is the best process ...
CRFM Mission Statement
... been working with a coalition of environmentalists, residents and scientists, actively participating in the rulemaking process in proposing, writing, and negotiating more protective and sustainable logging practice rules for ... the county's appeal, a lawsuit was filed and eventually withdrawn after a negotiated settlement was reached which granted the neighbors the continued option of seeking legal ...
Environmental Deregulation
Under new negotiated compromises, 85% of Wisconsin's waterways will be classified as less valuable and ... be required to go through the formal Amendment process. Instead, they’re undercutting our Constitution through a far less vigorous and public rulemaking process,” concluded Katers. “Wisconsin’s natural resources ...
Native American Sacred Lands Act (Introduced in House)
In developing regulations under this Act, the Secretary shall use-- (1) an effective process to permit elected tribal officials, traditional Native American practitioners, and other representatives of ... and timely input in that development; and (2) where appropriate, consensual mechanisms, including negotiated rulemaking. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE- This Act shall become effective on the date of the ...
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Fluorinated Telomers | PFOA and Fluorinated Telomers | OPPT | OPPTS| US EPA
Federal Register. Beginning in 2003, EPA negotiated with multiple parties to produce missing information on PFOA ... activities related to PFOA: PFOA enforceable consent agreement (ECA) process - docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2003-0012 Fluoropolymer incineration ... The search screen that appears on the main page only searches rulemaking dockets that are open for public comment. As such, ...