needle blight

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Results 1 - 2 from 2 for needle blight in 0.065 sec.

Death of Cedar Trees Cause Great Concern - March 19, 1998
Cercospora was attributed to the death of cedar forests in Maralal. It causes needle blight. "The symptoms seemed to start in the lower branches close to the main stem and ... causing the cedar decline. With the exception of the dwarf mistletoe and possibly the cercospora needle blight, it seems that many factors work together to produce the decline symptoms," the 1994 report ...

Red squirrel conservation, reintroduction, ecology and research
A Blight on Anglesey Red Squirrels - July 5th 2007 Newborough forest is predominantly planted with Corsican pine, and unfortunately some of the trees are infected by the red band needle blight fungus Dothistroma ...