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What do scientists learn from duck and goose banding?
However neck collars can be observed and identified from a distance through binoculars or spotting scopes. There are different colored neck collars as well as neck collars that contain different number of characters (2, 3, or 4 digit collars). The Bird Banding Laboratory, assign ...
Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
MACROPODS a. Plastic Neck Rings These offer ready identification from a distance, but would seem to pose a threat ... caught in the scrub and so injure the fauna. Fur dyes are not practical and neck collars, even if they could be fitted on creatures such as small marsupial mice, would pose ...
When were goose collars first used?
Delta Web Poll Previous Polls Ask a Biologist Home > Research > Ask a Biologist Question: I wanted to know approximately what decade they began to neck collar ... date when neck collars were first introduced as a way of recording waterfowl movement. Based on my search efforts, and speaking with a local retired waterfowl biologist, we figure that neck collars were ...
Scentpost April 1998
Hydrobath, freezers full of bones, header tank for dog drinkers, dog dishes, dog leashes and collars, dog shampoos, medications, flea rinses (get the drift? ) ... oh, and somehow we actually do fit ... the cause of the whining. I soon found it. Jedda was walking around her enclosure, neck stretched out, abdomen hideously swollen, crying in agony. This brought back horrid memories of nights ...
The Feral Sheep of Campbell Island
RV Acheron with all our gear including ten dog chains and collars and some bags of sheep nuts to tether and feed the sheep ... and seemingly finer wool on the belly and the back of the neck, was in fact nature's starting point for shedding and was so ... MAF were taken from the pen and tethered to the fence with dog collars and chains, a logical way to hold them while completing the other tasks. ...
De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust, North West Province, South Africa
Limpopo ... is short and smooth, with longer hair over the back of the neck and shoulders. Black tearlines run from the inner eye to below ... onto the animal's trachea or windpipe, high-up of the neck, just below the jawbone. It hold this position firmly, very quickly ...
Gray Wolf - WDNR
In winter, their fur becomes darker on the neck, shoulders, and rump. How can you tell the difference between ... been studying wolves since 1979 by live capturing, attaching radio collars, and monitoring movements. Much has been learned about wolf ecology ... promote sound wolf management. Some people have even bought radio collars for wolves at about $300 and received the privilege of ...
Trumpeter Swan Factsheet - WDNR
By seven weeks, cygnets have most neck and crown feathers. Cygnets have little down left at eight weeks and are fully feathered ... tags with black lettering on each bird released. Wisconsin, Hennepin Parks, and Michigan use yellow collars with black characters. This allows individual birds to be identified from a considerable distance. Each ...
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Ferret News #63 - Walking Your Ferrets Safely
Ferrets are notorious for getting out of collars. A harness will ensure that your ferret can't get away from ... a treat. Well, not really. When you fasten the harness around the neck, you should be able to stick your pinky finger between the harness and the ferret's neck. The same with the straps that go around the chest. Any ...
Friends of Animals | Where Good Intentions Breed Animal Suffering: The Cruel Truth of Electronic Shock Collars | Fall 2007
Schalke's report concluded, "The general use of electric shock collars is ... neck. That is positively cruel ...I am a complete convert and will definitely be signing the motion against them.'' Why, then, are shock fences and collars ... neck,'' according to the medical report by Susan K. Benson, DVM.[17] How many other dogs have been burned or otherwise traumatized by the collars ...