nearshore waters

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Results 1 - 10 from 78 for nearshore waters in 0.296 sec.

The Dolphin Institute - Dolphin Research Summaries
This indicates that singers are not confined within the 100-fathom contour, although nearshore waters had a higher density of singers. The separation distance between singers (mean 5.1 km ...

SCS: Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea)
Research suggests that the females feed in relatively shallow nearshore waters 20-30km offshore but probably also make some use of deeper offshore waters. The female nurses its pup for 15-18 months ...

Research , Data and Symposia
Bay including Weeks Bay, Dog River and Fowl River and the Alabama coastal zone and nearshore waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. This page provides links to the major research efforts ...

Coastal Environmental Issues
Common sources of nonpoint pollution in Alabama and Mississippi include agriculture (both crop ... sewage enters the water table, potentially contaminating private drinking water wells, rivers, bayous, or nearshore waters. The degree to which the effluent is purified is dependent on the physical ...

Orange County California Watershed
Nearshore Waters coastal waters within a zone bounded by the shoreline and a distance of 1000 feet from the ... of points that are spread out and difficult to identify and control. Offshore Waters coastal waters between the nearshore waters (see Nearshore Waters) and 3 miles from the shoreline Outfall opening at the end of a ...

NCMC Conservation News - Drift Gillnetters Denied Access To Leatherback Conservation Area to fish for swordfish and thresher sharks
Conservation Area extends from the waters off Monterey, CA to the mid-Oregon coast and is closed to drift ... conducted by NMFS and California State University scientists documenting the importance of California's nearshore waters for leatherbacks feeding on jellyfish, their preferred prey. The Conservation Area likely provides safe ...

Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project - Project Evaluation Criteria
To what extent will the project benefit marine and intertidal resources? Self-sustainability - Will potential ...

Hawai'i Coral Reef Network -- Articles
Coral Reef Symposium held in Panama. Determination of baseline conditions for introduced marine species in nearshore waters of the island of Kaho'olawe, Hawaii by S. L. Coles, R. C. DeFelice, J ...

CRESLI harbor seal page
Assessment Report for the Western North Atlantic Stock. "The harbor seal is found in all nearshore waters of the Atlantic Ocean and adjoining seas above about 300N... In the western North Atlantic ... and Canadian coasts represent one population (Temte et al. 1991). In USA waters, breeding and pupping normally occur in waters north of the New Hampshire/Maine border, although breeding occurred as far ...

Acting Locally | Concerned Citizens | US EPA
This series of factsheets about Coastal Watersheds is now available online, featuring information about beaches, nearshore waters, coral reefs, and estuaries, and include tips on how residents can help protect the coastal ...

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