navajo aquifer

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NRDC: Drawdown: An Update on Groundwater Mining on Black Mesa
Navajo Aquifer Shows Signs of Material Damage and Continuing Decline Flawed Modeling Obscures Evidence of Material Damage to the Navajo Aquifer Controversy Comes to a Head with Peabody’s New Request for Increased Navajo Aquifer Access Recommendations for Preserving the Navajo Aquifer ORIGINAL ...

Black Mesa
Navajo Aquifer, which flows beneath the Hopi and Navajo Nations in northeastern Arizona. Peabody Coal Company used the water to ... into the Coconino Aquifer (south of Black Mesa, between Flagstaff and Winslow) while increasing the amount of water pumped from the Navajo Aquifer by 33% compared to the previous rate. The Navajo Aquifer had ...

Honor the Earth: Grants: Groups We Have Funded In The Past: 2002
Navajo Reservations, Arizona Black Mesa Water Coalition (BMWC) is a youth led organizing initiative opposing the pumping of groundwater from the Navajo Aquifer by Peabody Coal. In coalition with other environmental and Native organizations, BMWC has undertaken walks, youth education initiatives and active organizing work to end Peabody Coal's use of the Navajo Aquifer ...

Johnson got those 11 chapter houses to oppose Navajo aquifer pumping. They then asked the Navajo Council to adopt the resolution on behalf of the Navajo Nation as a whole. What happened then ... if that aquifer could not replace the water from the Navajo aquifer, Edison and Peabody had no other coal transportation alternative. Talk soon turned to the possible extension of the 2005 deadline. Navajo ...

Land Use History of the San Francisco Peaks, Arizona (part 1 of 2)
The mountain's caldera, known as the Inner Basin, contains an aquifer that supplies much of the municipal water for the city of ... the city from a series of wells tapping the basin's aquifer, which is recharged by seasonal snowmelt. The Inner Basin of the ... and lessen fire danger. Grazing continues only on private landholdings. The Navajo Nation holds much of the grazing allotments on the north side ...

Power Generation on the Colorado Plateau
Black Mesa area. The Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe became concerned about the long-term effects of industrial withdrawals from the N aquifer on the ... R. 1999. Monitoring the effects of ground-water withdrawals from the N Aquifer in the Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona. More from this site

Refinery Reform Campaign
Navajo reservation in New Mexico. Coal mining on the Navajo and Hopi reservation, would feed ... by both the energy developers and tribal authorities. The tribal Navajo Transmission Project proposes to build the energy highway that ... groundwater from the same aquifer that feeds the lake. Since time immemorial, the Zuni, Acoma, Laguna, Hopi, Navajo, Apache and other ...

Honor the Earth: Grants: Groups We Have Funded In The Past: 2001
Eastern Navajo Agency in Crownpoint and Churchrock. Their primary purpose is to stop new uranium mining that would use a chemical solution to extract uranium form a high quality aquifer that supplies drinking water for more than 10,000 residents of the Eastern Navajo Agency. Environmental Justice Foundation Skull Valley Reservation, ...

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