Results 1 - 10 from 246 for native mammal in 0.253 sec.
Iguana Specialist Group (formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group)
As a result of prolonged geographical isolation, native mammal species on these islands are few, consisting mainly of bats and rodents. Birds, ... auropunctatus]), ostensibly to control rats, has instead resulted in predation of untold numbers of native species, including juvenile iguanas. Typical dry tropical forest habitat for iguanas at Guantánamo ...
Mammal Populations of the Colorado Plateau
The Southwest contributes impressively to this diversity; native mammal species in southwestern states number about 120 in Texas, 138 in Arizona, 139 in New ... the country has so many mammal species–and many of these species and their named subspecies are endemic to the Southwest. On the Colorado Plateau changes in native mammalian diversity began to ...
Protection Summaries
United States citizen to take any native bird or mammal in Antarctica or to collect any native plant from any specially protected area within Antarctica. In addition, the ... , carry, transport, import, export, or attempt to import or export from the United States any native mammal or bird taken in Antarctica or any plant collected in any specially protected area. African ...
House mice are the last remaining non-native mammal (other than humans); cats and rabbits ...
Nature & Co New Zealand - Native Wildlife - Seabirds - Selected Bibliography
Zealand Birds Reed 1998 Powlesland, Ralph G NZ's native sea birds Penguin 1997 NZ Conservation authority Maori customary use of native birds, plants and other traditional material: interim report ... Adventure Nelson Price Milburn 1991 Buckingham, Rhys, Graeme Elliott and Kath Walker Bird and mammal observations on Adams island and southern Auckland island, 1989 Department of Conservation 1991 Peat, ...
Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 1994
Fisheries Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Marine Mammal Commission, animal protection groups, and the Alaska Native community. The most significant amendments involved establishing a new ... Alaska Native organizations for the purpose of developing co-management structures for marine mammal stocks taken for subsistence purposes. This CRS Report summarizes provisions of the Marine Mammal ...
Reintroduction of Native Species on the Colorado Plateau
Growth Reintroduction of Fire Reintroduction of Native Species Uranium Mining Water Development Special Topics Arroyo Cutting Native Use of Fire Reintroduction of Native Species Sources: United States Geological Survey ... and Fish Department. The black-footed ferret was once considered the most endangered mammal in the United States, but recently progress has been made toward its recovery. ...
EEK! - Critter Corner - Pine Marten
Stone martens are non-native species and are also about the size of the male pine marten. They are pale ...
EEK! - Critter Corner - The Black Bear
Bear Bears have been an important part of history in Wisconsin. The Native Americans honored the bear as a supernatural being and treated ... The Bear Facts The black bear was Wisconsin's largest resident mammal until recently. In the last few years elk have been reintroduced to the state, moving the bear out of the largest mammal category. Adult males averages 47-70 inches long and weigh about ...
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Mammal Species Listed Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
LEARN MORE The following mammal species are currently listed under the Endangered Species Act… ESA Listed Mammal Species Species photos, info and distribution maps will ... to Threatened. ALERT! More than 1,000 mammal species -- including humans -- are endangered, mostly due to habitat destruction and invasion by non-native species. LEARN MORE ESA Class Lists ---------- ...
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