native chipmunks

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Chipmunk, Tamias striatus, and least chipmunk damage control and management
Additional Chipmunk Control Info Fig. 1. Eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus Identification Fifteen species of native chipmunks of the genus Eutamias and one of the genus Tamias are found in North ... widely distributed and notable species. Behavior and damage is similar among all species of native chipmunks. Therefore, damage control recommendations are similar for all species. The eastern chipmunk is a ...

ASM | Mammals of Oklahoma
Mostly active at night, but squirrels are active days. Sciuridae (Squirrels, Woodchucks, & Chipmunks) Eastern Chipmunk Tamias striatus Common Eastern half of state. 110, 259(AB) 168 Forests & tall ... 304(CM), 305(Y), 306(H), 719(W), 720, 1224(B), 1273 266 The largest native North American land mammal. An animal of the Prairies. Eliminated by1885. *A=Anatomical Specialization, B ...

American Marten - WDNR
American martens. Stone martens are a species native to Europe and Asia. They escaped into southern Wisconsin in the early 1960s or 1970s ... . Food Habits: Primarily small mammals including red-backed voles, deer mice, red squirrels, flying squirrels, chipmunks, and snowshoe hares. They also eat small birds, bird eggs, herptiles, insects, fish, crayfish, fruits ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Among these diseases are various forms of encephalitis, including the La Crosse variety, which infects chipmunks and squirrels. It can also transmit yellow fever and dengue fever. The exotic disease ... Southeast, replacing large parts of the native ant community. Hybridization Mating between some introduced and native species can lead to an extinction of the native species by replacing some of its ...

Plant Communities of the Mono Basin
Sagebrush grows slowly ... -4 feet in height, though some old stands of sagebrush have topped 7 feet. The native Paiutes used sagebrush leaves to make a tea to treat a variety of ailments, and ...

Wildlife Protection
Some wildlife species, such as deer, rabbits and chipmunks, are adaptable to many conditions, but other creatures have very specific plant, moisture and ... PCBs, mercury, petroleum byproducts, solvents, anti-freeze, etc. 4. Non-native Species --- Over the past 150 years, many non-native plants, molluscs, insects, fish, birds, mammals, and diseases have found ...

EEK! - Critter Corner - Pine Marten
Stone martens are non-native species and are also about the size of the male pine marten. They are pale ... the pine martens and fishers are excellent climbers. They'll pursue prey, red squirrels or chipmunks, up a tree and may climb trees to escape danger. Martens move across the ground ...

DPNC - Summer Nature Camp
Nature Center Preschool $195 Member, $235 Nonmember Week 4 - $155 Member, $190 Nonmember Chipmunks Ages 4–6 Meets All Weeks Half day: 9 am - 11:45 am Discover the ... of Fieldtrips A whole week of reptiles and amphibians! In addition to meeting native and a few non-native herps, we’ll set-up turtle traps, go frog catching, search for snakes ...

Being In Season:
Between the town of Longmont and Lyons runs the Ute Highway, named after the native-american tribe that once made their home at the base of these mountains. The four ... seasonal home, knowing we would be back when the snow had melted, the birds and chipmunks re-emerged, and the trees stood tall once again. We meandered down the winding road ...

Resources - Native Plant Crossroads
Issues Links to Web sites with information that focuses on issues relevant to conservation of native plants. Organizations Links to the Web sites of many provincial, national and international organizations concerned ... oily appendage on the seeds, ants take the seeds to their nests. Mammals such as chipmunks that take the fruit thereby also help disperse the seeds. Common yellow jacket wasps also ...

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