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Protected area review > Cambodia > First national round table > Issues and achievements
National protected area system Government policy for protected area management Government institutions related to protected area management Protected area management issues Achievements Challenges Conclusions 1. National protected area system With reference to the Royal Decree of 1 November 1993, the 23 protected ...
Protected area review > Cambodia > Home
In doing so it brought together economic and financial planners, natural resource developers and conservation managers from ten ministries. Click on the map for more on the protected area system and a series of thematic maps Wildlife sanctuaries National parks Protected landscape Multiple-use area Protected forest Proposed protected area ...
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Protected Area Management Services: Projects: Conservation Planning
National Major components: Develop a protected area system, reinforce existing governmental and non-governmental conservation agencies, establish three protected ..., Africa National Park Info - Create a New National Park in Africa!
Tourism, Zakira Menji, has declared her desire to incorporate the donated land into a new protected area system incorporating the current Saadani Game Reserve, the South Mkwaja Ranch (bought in 1997 and donated ... Her plan is to give the new area full national park status, affording it much stronger protection than at present. The idea to preserve the area came from a local community whose livelihood ..., Africa National Park Info - Create a New National Park in Africa!
Tourism, Zakira Menji, has declared her desire to incorporate the donated land into a new protected area system incorporating the current Saadani Game Reserve, the South Mkwaja Ranch (bought in 1997 and donated ... Her plan is to give the new area full national park status, affording it much stronger protection than at present. The idea to preserve the area came from a local community whose livelihood ...
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California's urban protected areas: Progress despite daunting pressures
National and state agencies Traditionally, the national ... purpose. Still, the state park system has the most diverse habitats of any protected-area system in California. Numerous other public protected-area programs are administered by ...
Raising the priority of urban areas in protected area systems in Brazil and beyond
Tijuca National Park, the most-visited protected area in the country, had its visitor center completed many years after Itatiaia and Serra dos Órgãos National Parks which, together, do not ... be aware that they are in a protected area and must understand at all times that this protected area is only one small piece of a complex system of PAs. We can only dream of ...
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Nishorgo: Bangladesh’s Protected Area Management Program
Protected Areas; Active and formalized participation of local communities dependent on forest resources; An increase in the number of Protected Area sites and the capacity to receive visitors; Formalization of a Protected Area management system ...
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
National Protected Areas System Plan (NARMAP 1995), PACT opened its doors in June of 1996. PACT's purpose is three fold: Provide financial assistance for activities on the protected areas that foster conservation, sustainable development and management of the area. Raise funds and receive gifts and donations from ...
National Marine Sanctuary System and Field Sites
National Marine Sanctuary Program. Since then, thirteen national marine sanctuaries and one marine national monument, representing a wide variety of ocean environments, have been established. Today, our marine sanctuary system ... than 135,000 square miles in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, the largest marine protected area in the world. To learn more about a specific sanctuary site, click its ...
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