national historic preservation act

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Results 1 - 10 from 123 for national historic preservation act in 0.226 sec.

History of Environmental Conservation
National Historic Preservation Act passed. 1966 Endangered Species Act begins federal involvement in habitat protection and rare species identification. 1967 Environmental Defense Fund established. 1968 Paul Elrich publishes The Population Bomb. 1968 National ...

letter to Babbitt
National Historic Park. This creates a direct conflict of interest for Ms. Bell, and I asked that she recuse herself from actions regarding the burials in the Koloko/Honokohau National ... area. Proposed plans do not seem to conform with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Future planning should conform to Section 106 including consultation with Native Hawaiians, particularly ...

Cultural Resources |Green Communities | US EPA
Historic Places listing Local historic district listings/ordinances Historical features mapping USGS topographic Information Sources Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Federal Agency Historic Preservation Programs and Officers State historical preservation officers National Register of Historic Places National Trust for Historic Preservation National Historic Preservation Act ...

Mount Graham Coalition: Red Squirrel Article
National Park Service, which denied some and approved others with restrictions. But then Congress passed a controversial act that exempted the three telescopes from the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act ... claim the observatory violates the Native American Religious Freedom Act of 1968 and the National Historic Preservation Act. In 1992 , a court ruled in favor of the ...

Mount Graham Coalition: Permit to Pray?
American Indian Religious Freedom Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the National Forest Management Act; and WHEREAS, Mount Graham (known as Dzil Nchaa Si ... More from this site

No Dirty Gold
Grufides, on being named the recipient of the Peruvian National Human Rights Coordinator's Ángel Escobar Jurado National Human Right Award. The award was given in recognition ... to the Western Shoshone and a site of Cultural and Religious Importance under the National Historic Preservation Act. The Western Shoshone Defense Project contends that the sanction is both a violation of ...

CNPSR Sends Letter to Director Bomar Expressing Concern About NPS's Old Santa Fe Trail Building | The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees
Such ``adverse effect'' to a registered property by a ``federal undertaking'' clearly comes within the purview of Sec. 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act ...

Native American Sacred Lands Act (Introduced in House)
Education Assistance Act. (3) NATIVE HAWAIIAN ORGANIZATION- The term `Native Hawaiian organization' has the meaning given that term in section 301(18) of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U. ... affect such effective date. SEC. 9. CONSULTATION UNDER OTHER LAWS. Nothing in this Act shall affect any consultation process under the National Historic Preservation Act or any other Federal law ...

About the National Marine Sanctuaries Maritime Heritage Program
National Marine Sanctuaries. The law most relevant to the National Marine Sanctuary Program is the National Historic Preservation Act ...

Rox Engineering Archaeological/Architectural Assessment (in accordance to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act - NHPA)
National Historic Preservation Act - NHPA) Archaeological/Architectural Assessment (in accordance to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act - NHPA) Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act ...

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