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Wheat Biopiracy Challenge in the Supreme Court of India
Monsanto patent is based on the "Indian variety", which they call Nap Hal. The European Wheat Database also shows that the "Nap Hal" the traditional cultivar/ landrace was collected from Indian and the USDA ... The response of the Government assuring immediate action is most welcome. {A photo of the Nap Hal variety (from the Eurorpean gene Bank) is attached} For any further information: Dr. Vandana ...
Food sovereignty
Patent Office in Munich revoked Monsanto’s patent on the Indian variety of wheat “Nap Hal”. This was the third consecutive victory on the IPR front after Neem and Basmati ... Office (EPO), Munich, challenging the patent rights given to Monsanto on Indian Landrace of wheat, Nap Hal. The patent was revoked in October 2004 and it once again established the fact that ...
Botanical citations for Phlomis species, part1
Presl, Delic. Prag.84 (1822) Syn: P. ferruginea auct. non Ten. Syn: P. viscosa sensu Hal. Phlomis crinita Cavanilles Cav. Icon. Descr. 3:25 t.247 (1795) Syn: P.barrelieri Duf ... et Makhmedov Phlomis ferruginea Tenore Tenore Fl. Napol. Prodr.1,35:10 (1811-15); Fl. Nap. ii. 36 t. 57. Syn: P. viscosa Parlatore Syn: P. viscosa var. ferruginea Bguinot Syn ...
UC IPM: Susceptibility of Weeds to Herbicide Control in Tomato
Established bermudagrass bindweed, field datura, sacred johnsongrass nutsedge, purple nutsedge, yellow Preemerg. MTR NAP OXY N N — C C P N N C N N P ... (Dacthal) EPT = EPTC (Eptam) GLY = glyphosate (Roundup, Touchdown) HAL = halosulfuron (Sandea) MEO = metolachlor (Dual Magnum) MET = metam* (Vapam, etc.) MTR = metribuzin (Sencor) NAP = napropamide (Devrinol) OXY = oxyfluorfen (Goal) PAR = paraquat ...