Results 1 - 10 from 170 for murray river in 0.382 sec.
Water Use and Management
One major problem is keeping the salinity of Adelaide's drinking water, drawn from the Murray River low enough to meet health standards. Reviews of Water Use in Australia `Three major studies ... land has doubled. In 1997, 1.472 million hectares of land was irrigated in the Murray-Darling Basin, 71% of the total area irrigated in Australia. Consumption by State –â ...
Water Use and Management
Murray River and its tributaries, where the cycle of seasonal flows has been reversed. The river now runs near ... of the total area affected. Resnagging of rivers such as the Murray River is also being undertaken to provide habitat for native aquatic species ... in wetland area. The area of many wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin (and others) has declined significantly as a result ...
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Flowing west, runoff would eventually reach the Murray River, after passing through hydro-electricity stations and various dams. The Murray River had an extensive irrigation system so by the time ... way south to Victoria. This river was able to be diverted west for irrigation in the Murray River region, but negative environmental impacts due to starving the Snowy River of much of its ...
RIRDC Rangeland & Wildlife System Research Program home page
Australian wildlife. The trials are being undertaken in Wildlife Management Conservancies (WMCs) located on the Murray River near Mildura, on the Maranoa- Balonne catchment near Roma, Qld and by a group of ...
Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii)
Why is the Murray Cod threatened? Current research on the Murray Cod provides sufficient evidence to indicate that: the river systems where the Murray Cod occur continue to be ... endangered ecological community Aquatic Ecological Community in the Natural Drainage System of the Lower Murray River Catchment (Fisheries Management Act 1994). Fisheries laws in each State and Territory govern ...
Greenfleet - Murray Darling Rescue
Murray River, an incredible feat which helped to focus attention on the river. "I have seen the Murray ... MURRAY RIVER - HER STORIES AND SECRETS We have chosen an excerpt from the Australian Geographic Book, ‘The Murray River’ written by Amanda Burdon, to give you an understanding of the magnitude of The Murray ... followed the river's tributaries upstream. The demands made on the Murray River today are ...
Save The Murray
Murray-Darling Basin flow over plains and many of these only carry water in times of flood. The Darling River, Murray River and the Murrumbidgee River are the three longest rivers in the Murray-Darling Basin and Australia. Darling River The Darling is the longest river in Australia measuring ...
Save The Murray
Take only photographs and leave only footprints. Picnicking To protect the delicate Murray River environment, we need to ‘tread lightly’ and minimise our impacts on the natural environment. ... be ensured that there will be plenty of fish in the River Murray for current and future generations. Canoeing The River Murray Canoe Guide Environmental Code lists some ways of minimising your ...
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Restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin Program (water entitlement purchasing)
Murray* Ovens Paroo SA Murray Vic Murray Warrego Wimmera-Mallee +The water purchasing catchments on this map are based on the Murray-Darling Basin River catchments with modifications to catchments along the Murray River ... with the Gwydir River catchment, and purchasing information for the New South Wales Murray River catchment has been combined with the Murrumbidgee River catchment. Information will ...
Federal funds to help salmon in Green/Duwamish River
Green/Duwamish River watershed. Sen. Murray and King County Executive Ron Sims are featured speakers for the celebration, ... .” “Preserving the Green and Duwamish River Basin is critical to our water supply, recreational opportunities and salmon recovery efforts,” said Senator Patty Murray. “King County and the cities ...
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