Results 1 - 4 from 4 for mouse proof containers in 0.285 sec.
Store food purchased in plastic bags or cardboard boxes in these containers.(8) Refrigerators are also mouse-proof.(2) Keep pet food in mouse-proof containers. Clean up spilled and uneaten food often.(2) Store lawn and garden seeds as well as bone meal and other organic fertilizers in mouse-proof containers ...
Alan's Garter Snakes - Maintenance of Garter Snakes
Many other herpetologists prefer to use large plastic containers. Glass fronted cages have the advantage of allowing better visibility than ... being easier to maintain and clean, are generally more escape-proof, and are ideal for babies and smaller snakes. I tend ... profusely. They cannot be neglected to the same extent as mouse feeders. I clean my garter snakes twice weekly and my ...
White-footed deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus,control and management
(P. eremicus), canyon mouse (P. crinitus), cotton mouse (P. gossypinus), golden mouse (P. nuttalli), piņon mouse (P. truei), rock mouse (P. difficilis), white-ankled mouse (P. pectoralis), Merriam mouse (P. merriami), California mouse (P. californicus), Sitka mouse ... seed, and boxed groceries left in cabins in rodent-proof containers. Mouse damage can be reduced in cabins or other buildings ...
Rodent-proof construction and exclusion methods
Keep sacked materials off the floor when possible. This ... , barns, and other older buildings in current use rat- and mouse-proof. Guards on walls should be at least 36 inches (91 cm ... a common food source. Always store these materials in metal containers with tight-fitting lids. Food is often available to rodents around ...
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