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EDGE :: Species Search
Mountain crest robber frog (Eleutherodactylus vidua)Mountain egg frog (Leptodactylodon axillaris)Mountain frog (Philoria richmondensis)Mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni)Mountain pygmy possum (Burramys parvus)Mountain spiny-chest frog (Alsodes montanus)Mountain Stream Siredon (Ambystoma altamirani)Mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)Mountain ...
Frontiers and warfare
New peace parks in the Simen Mountains and Bale Mountains of Ethiopia are trying to protect both people and animals. Mountain women for peace ... Mountains Find a Resource Suggest a Resource "Learning about Mountains" is a service of The Mountain Institute. We would like to thank the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the National Geographic Society ...
San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Spiral-horned Antelope
Mountain nyala Mountain nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni The mountain nyala has a shaggy, grayish brown coat with four barely visible vertical white stripes ... area for growing crops and grazing their animals, leaving less room for the nyala. The mountain nyala is currently endangered. Eland Taurotragus oryx Eland are social animals that live ...
Terrestrial Ecoregions -- Ethiopian montane grasslands and woodlands (AT1007)
Deerlike animals called mountain nyala browse on aromatic herbs that include lady’s mantle, catmint, and a feathery sagebrush. Endangered ...
Untitled Document
Identify indigenous trees such as the wild olive, marula, common wild fig, red bush willow, mountain karee, stamvrug, blue guarri, sicklebush, common spike thorn, and tinderwood. Touch the skeleton of cheetah ... , guinea fowl and vervet monkey, the shells of the leopard tortoise, horns of impala and nyala, and a variety of bird’s nests and eggs. Stroke the skins of the civet ...
Boars, Hogs, Goats, stock photos, Rams, Pigs. Animals: Mammals; Wild-[Artiodactyla]; Photography, Pictures
Deer, Moose, Rams, Boars, Bighorn Sheep, Wild Pigs, Antelope, Ibex, Buffalo (Bison bison), Nyala (Tragelaphus angasi), American Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus), Eland (Taurotragus oryx), Dama Gazelle (Azella dama uficollis), Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycanus ...