Results 1 - 10 from 27 for momentum theory in 0.291 sec.
Aerodynamic and Wind Turbines
The result was a rule to decelerate the velocity to ... axis wind turbines (HAWT) Betz, part two Using the momentum theory and a simple wing theory, he gave a rule for the shape of the ... is a simple method and works very fast. The momentum theory and the wing theory must give the same forces. The angle of attack ...
About Context Institute
Time Is It?".) We recognize the great dangers of our times, yet, because the underlying momentum of change is so great, we also see these as times of great opportunity to ... thinking, it includes the following elements: Systems Thinking - We draw on our background in systems theory to ask and help those we serve to ask: How do the pieces in the ...
Alan AtKisson - The Utility Of Global Thinking
The problem is that the momentum of huge systems is enormous and not easily changed. "All public movements of thought quickly ... , global interactive media, and so on. However, I am also a student of general systems theory, global warming, and the other major global environment and development issues, and I have come ...
More from this site | Background
Internet toward accelerating ... contribution to the emerging field of Social Networking software. As a result of the momentum generated by the LinkTank process Planetwork launched a larger hands-on working group, the ...
Richard Greatbatch - Selected Publications
J.K. Dukowicz, and R.J. Greatbatch, 1999, The bolus velocity in the stochastic theory of ocean turbulent tracer transport, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 2232-2239. R.J. ... R.J. Greatbatch, 1998, Exploring the relationship between eddy-induced transport velocity, vertical mixing of momentum and the isopycnal flux of potential vorticity, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 28(3), 422-432 ...
The Great Turning
Great Turning is occurring on three simultaneous levels or dimensions. Recognize how they are gaining momentum through your own life. On the most visible level are holding actions in defense of ... of our body. Joanna Macy, Ph.D., is a scholar of Buddhism and general systems theory, whose books include World as Lover, World As Self; the Dharma of Natural Systems and ...
A further emerging lesson is that actual situations tend to defy some of the theory about PWS. As seen above, transactions between water consumers and land managers are rarely direct ... in a way that is completely transparent. The Council is an exciting convergence of the momentum springing from lots places in Oregon's sustainability community.'' Duncan Wyse, president of the Oregon ...
MAST News Bulletin - May 2007
NBI sources, which operate at very different energy (and hence momentum input). First results have also been obtained from an electron Bernstein wave (EBW) radiometer ... of the Ioffe Institute, St Petersburg, Russia, who is working with Vladimir Shevchenko on EBW theory. Other MAST news Anthony Field visited Budapest in April to discuss further collaborative development ...
Larry Brand Flouts the Grant System
Brand was getting into some dangerous territory. To prove his theory, he drew from data ... laughs at their cynicism but holds his tongue. He knows that momentum is starting to shift back to him. Last year the National ... of Cuba's economy. He then tried to explain his complicated theory about nitrogen, the Florida Bay, and the sugar plantations. At ...
GRRN - Solutions to Garbage is NOT Renewable Energy
In theory, the forced decomposition produces methane emissions along a shorter time frame, stabilizes the waste, ... liner systems meant to prevent leachate seepage, both due to the additional weight and momentum of the increased moisture content. More than a dozen bioreactor landfills currently operate in ...