molecular clock

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Evolution, Mass Extinctions, and Mass Speciations
Molecular clock" is a term used to express the periodic or episodic changes that have occurred in many different species simultaneously throughout time. One level at which the molecular clock is ... , hydrocarbons and acid rain. Cycles in geological events are accompanied by cycles in the molecular clock (they might better be referred to as episodic). Mass extinctions are always followed by ...

Did chimpanzees and humans once interbred?
Massachusetts. Reich and his colleagues compared the genomes of humans, chimps and gorillas using a "molecular clock" to estimate how long ago the three groups diverged. The further back two species diverged ... this is only a plausible hypothesis, not a proven fact. For example, he calibrated his molecular clock using the divergence time between humans and macaques, which is estimated at no more ...

FMI - Research - Atmosphere - Ozone and UV radiation
Finland during the afternoon from 1 to 3 o'clock. How is ozone produced and destroyed? The stratosphere lies in a region about 10-50 ... to absorb UV radiation emitted by the Sun. This feature makes the ozone layer a molecular shield which protects the Earth against UV radiation. On absorbing UV radiation, an ozone molecule ...

EDS Members Named Winners of the 2002 IEEE Technical Field Awards
It is now in use in many high-speed communications systems, including optical clock regenerators and phase-locked wavelength division light sources, and numerous other wireless applications. ... transistors at the scaling limit as well as to radically new technologies such as molecular electronics. Their work has provided practical simulation tools that provide complete I-V characteristics ...

Chapter 3 Waste Not
The solid waste makes its way into landfills, backyards, junkyards, recyclers, and the ocean. The molecular waste goes into the atmosphere, oceans, rivers ... deep open-pit mines, a process that also unearths cadmium and radioactive thorium. Round-the-clock, the mining company uses the same amount of electricity as a city of 100,000 ...