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Coastal America - Northeast Region
Dam, CT Milford Beach Dune Restoration, CT Mill Meadow Salt Marsh, CT Mill River, CT Mohegan Tribe Coastal Management Plan, CT Mystic Aquarium, CT Narragansett Bay Eelgrass Restoration, RI Navy Eelgrass Remote ...
Coastal America - Northeast Region
Warwick, RI 02886 Phone: (401) 828-1300; Fax: (401) 828-0433 The Mohegan Tribe State of Maine Norman Richards The Mohegan Tribe P.O. Box 488 Uncasville, CT 06382 Phone: (869) 848-6112; Fax ...
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Tribal Program | New England | US EPA
Penobscot River Restoration Trust. Jean McInnes (far right) of the Mohegan Tribe Receiving the National Award from Beth Craig , Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Air, ... Penobscot River Restoration Project and Jean McInnis of the Mohegan Tribe (CT) received an Environmental merit Award on behalf of the Mohegan Tribe for being one of two tribes in Indian ...
Case Studies | Waste Management in Indian Country | Wastes | US EPA
Mohegan Tribe (EPA Region 1) The Mohegan Tribe has undertaken a major effort to reduce waste. The result is that the Tribe has reduced 44 percent of its ... , education, and contractor certification. Oglala Sioux Tribe (EPA Region 8) The Oglala Sioux Tribe constructed a balefill that meets the federal landfill requirements. The tribe obtained funding from EPA, the Indian ...
More from this site, Hudson Basics
Algonquin Confederacy which included the Delaware, Mohican (aka Mohegan) and Wappinger tribes. The Mohican tribe was friendly and peaceful, but Hudson’s crew distrusted them and fighting followed ...