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Earth Witness Community - Extinct Animals Page One
Swan Cygnus sumnerensis Western quoll Dasyurus geoffroii geoffroii Dicerorhinus sumatrensis lasiotis Brawny Great Moa Dinornis torosus Disenochus micantipennis Philippine Bare-backed Fruit Bat Dobsonia chapmani Black Mamo ... s Horse Equus ferus przewalskii Syrian Wild Ass Equus hemionus hemippus Burly Lesser Moa Eurapteryx gravis Falco sp. Mascarene Coot Fulica newtoni Dieffenbach's Rail Gallirallus ...
Extinct Birds List
Moa Anomalopteryx didiformis Upland Moa Megalapteryx didinus Heavy-Footed Moa Pachyornis elephantopus Crested Moa P. australis Mappin’s Moa P. mappini Eastern Moa Emeus Crassus Stout-Legged Moa Euryapteryx geranoides Coastal Moa E. curtus Slender Bush Moa Dinornis ...
Rare & Extinct Creatures - Moa & Elephant Bird
GIANT MOA Another flightless giant island-living bird was the New Zealand giant moa (Dinornis giganteus), a member of the ratite family. There were several species of moa, some taller than ... took several more years and many more bones to convince naturalists that the moa existed. A consignment of moa bones was sent in 1843 by geologist and missionary, Revd William Williams. He ...
The Thylacine Museum - Thylacine Scale Model
(Raphus cucullatus), aurochs (Bos primigenius), quagga (Equus quagga) and Giant moa (Dinornis giganteus). Although the project never made it to fruition, the thylacine was sculpted and later ...
Dodo Stamps
Great Auk. Laos Scott # 1156 Issued 1994 This dodo stamp is part of a five stamp set showing extinct birds. The other birds are Hesperornis, Archaeopteryx, Phororhacus, and Dinornis Maximus (the moa). Mauritius Scott # 261 Issued 1954 This stamp shows Queen Elizabeth II as well ...
Moa Stamps
Moa Stamps Moa Stamps New Zealand is host to several varieties of flightless birds including the Kiwi and Kokako. The largest flightless bird in New Zealand was the Giant Moa (scientific name Dinornis maximus and Dinornis giganteus), which stood as much as two meters (six and a half feet) at the shoulder. The average Moa was about the size ...
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Earth Witness Community - Extinct Animals - The Roll
Raiatea Parakeet Black-fronted Parakeet Chatham Island Swan Western quoll Brawny Great Moa Philippine Bare-backed Fruit Bat Black Mamo Hawaiian Mamo King Island ... Cyanoramphus ulietanus Cyanoramphus zealandicus Cygnus sumnerensis Dasyurus geoffroii geoffroii Dicerorhinus sumatrensis lasiotis Dinornis torosus Disenochus micantipennis Dobsonia chapmani Drepanis funerea Drepanis pacifica Dromaius ater ...