mississippian culture

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Mississippian Cultures (900 AD to 1,700 AD) | Gulf Region Heritage | Educator and Student Resources | Gulf of Mexico Program | US EPA
Student Resources Gulf Region Heritage Mississippian Cultures (900 AD to 1,700 AD) Mississippian Cultures (900 AD to 1,700 AD) The Mississippian Culture was the dominant culture during this period in what is now the eastern United States. It's origins are probably about 900 to 1,000 AD, and remnants of their culture ...

Mississippi Mounds
Native American culture and religion than in the ceremonial mound complexes of the Mississippian culture. As Roger G. Kennedy, former Director of the ... The earthen hills contain burials, funerary objects and iconographic artifacts. Many descendants of the Mississippian culture view the mounds as sacred, and some tribes perform ceremonies at the ancient ...

History of the Little Tennessee River
The Mound Builders About 1000 years ago, a sophisticated culture we call the Pisgah phase or South Appalachian Mississippian variant arose in the region. These people built palisaded villages, ... to London with Cuming. This episode did much to interest the English in Cherokee culture and fostered trade between the two peoples. The Cherokee trade The colonial government of ...