Results 1 - 10 from 123 for milk prices in 0.469 sec.
Marin Agricultural Land Trust
West Marin—produced commodity milk and sold it to large co-ops where it was processed and packaged under various labels. By the 1990s, milk prices had stagnated but production costs ...
New Rules Project - Agriculture - Back the Dairy Compact - column by Stacy Mitchell
New England farmers to produce more milk. This added milk will be converted into "storable" products like cheese. More cheese on the national market will lead to lower cheese prices ... . In Florida, where local dairies have collapsed, consumers depend on milk from as far away as New Mexico. Miami milk prices are 20 percent higher than in Boston and Chicago. Certainly, ...
American Farmland Trust: Voices for Change - Robin Chesmer
Program Participation: Connecticut’s land preservation program, EQIP, federal dairy program Unmet Need: Operational capital to improve farm and buy rental land Chesmer that much when milk prices stay depressed. He notes that production caps limit his payments to about three months of the year – even a 200 cow dairy produces enough milk to ...
ACTION ALERT:Foreign Investor Bill Resurfaces
The bill fails to address how low milk prices drive farmers out of business, and could worsen the situation by increasing milk production. • We need programs that help focus on ...
Say No To GMOs! - October 2006
Agri-Mark's directors, according to spokesman Doug DiMento of Agri-Mark. "Milk prices are the lowest they've been in 25 years," DiMento said ... are struggling. "You've got to remember these are the lowest prices in 25 years and you are going to tell them you ... cows. For the economics of Posilac to work, milk prices have to be high enough to justify making more milk, he said. Thompson would drop rbST, ...
Sustainable Agriculture Newsletter, Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2002
Levins says. "They would merely agree to work together in negotiating higher milk prices and enjoy whatever benefits marketing muscle might bring their way." The nine-million cow ... to back it up, Levins says. "But there are better options than dumping milk. For starters, milk could no longer be dumped legally due to environmental regulations. "Participating farmers could ...
New Rules Project - The New Rules - Fall 1999 - Got (Local) Milk?
New England, like other deficit regions, drinks a larger share, about 45 percent, of its locally produced milk. Prices are established ... raising prices, compacts encourage more milk production. Increased production means fewer opportunities for the Midwest dairy industry to supply eastern markets. It also lowers milk prices nationwide, because excess milk is ...
April 28, 2004: World Food Prices Rising: Environmental Neglect Shrinking Harvests in Key Countries
Price rises range from a 2 percent rise in the price of milk to a 29-percent rise for eggs. The price of vegetable oil, up 23 percent, is beginning to reflect the doubling of soybean prices. Meat prices ... . Even a doubling of wheat prices would not greatly increase bread prices. Food prices are rising almost everywhere. In ...
Dr North and the Kansas City Milk War
Farmers responded with a milk strike that shut off most of the supply. But by December, distributors began selling out-of-state milk delivered ... majority of Democratic city councilmen favored big milk distributors and pasteurized milk. The small dairymen claimed that big distributors kept their wholesale prices low while making enormous profits; pasteurization, ...
Recycle now - Platinum prices spur recycling of catalytic converters
What can I do today? Why recycling matters News Fun Stuff Home composting Platinum prices spur recycling of catalytic converters 28 May 2008 A mixture of EU legislation ... ) Hearing aids Household Batteries Juice Cartons Keyboards (Computer) Keys Light bulbs Magazines Mattresses Milk Cartons Milk bottles Mobile Phones Musical Instruments Paint Plastic bottles Printer Cartridges Shoes Shredded Paper ...
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