mildly interesting

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REVIEW: Nettwerk 10th Anniversary Concert
The first feature act was Brainbox. They sounded mildly interesting at first but I got bored after a little while, however ... them out. It sounded like background music for some space cop show, mildly interesting, with the twisted edge that would be bad for me if ... and wake up and smell the roses)??????? At one point I was mildly cooked (by bass waves) in the seat, but not as much ...

"Cleaning up Produced Water During Offshore Drilling
... available on the possible long-term effects of pouring such very large quantities of even mildly polluted water into the sea every day, governments, the industry and environmental campaigners have continued ... Environment) Environmental Impact of Offshore Oil&Gas Industry Reviews Order Now Conferences Journals Bookstore Directory Interesting facts Internet Resources FREE Newsletter Take a break :)

Title for cover story 3
Utah in 1988 to dispose of mildly radioactive dirt containing only three isotopes and with a limited ... The events and decisions that created this state of affairs is both interesting and complex. It also is the basis for many of ... Sites Remedial Action Program , or FUSRAP is an interesting and far reaching program. It is interesting in that it offers a pointed example of ...

Sanctuary Asia - Interviews
I joined a BSc (Botany) course in the Vivekananda College, Chennai, instead. To put it mildly, the course was badly taught and the experience almost convinced me to give up my ... with my parents, took home a very decent salary, was able to travel and meet interesting people (something that I still enjoy very much) and was able to play cricket over ...

Some of these pieces are only mildly radioactive, while others are as "hot" as high grade uranium ore! The most interesting thing about uranium glass is the fact that it ...

Chow! : Eugene Weekly's Restaurant Guide
But with so many interesting toppings to choose from, even the meat-and-potatoes crowd will be ... . This is our family and we like to keep it fun and interesting. If someone has something they want to try, the chef's choice ... the fresh basil and the deep red of the sweet peppers. A mildly spicy dish, the sauce was a delicate blend of basil and garlic, ...

Green Home Building: Natural Building Techniques: Earthbag
Physically creating a functional and aesthetically interesting structure out of little more than the dirt under your feet ... issue in transporting them. They pack into a stable shape when mildly compressed; once they settle into a wall cavity or are packed ...

International Vegetarian Union - 5th World Vegetarian Congress 1923
National Society, the proceedings of the International Congress were continued. An interesting and beautiful ceremony occurred. A very fine silk banner, with the emblem of the Swedish ... our several plans. To say that our meetings were animated would he putting it very mildly. With so much foreign ardour as was displayed, and the number of languages which were ...

Waters of Maruata Profile
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 3 Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 435 Discussion: It is interesting that this is cleaner than Emilios' roof. Apparently the advantage of smooth surface ( ... in mid trench in old greywater slime pit. Temperature: Turbidity: Cloudy Color: Gray Odor: Mildly anaerobic (strong when pigs wallow) Taste: Visible in water: Green filamentacious algae. Surrounding influences ...

Open Spaces Magazine - Regionalism 101
Northwest) from East Coast students and some interesting comments about the East Coast students from their Northwest classmates. An interesting cross-check. Although an occasional student from either side ... feels a bit like a hick in his flannel shirts and hiking boots and was mildly amused when one evening on campus another student passed by, acknowledging him with a “howdy ...