migratory corridors

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Results 1 - 10 from 57 for migratory corridors in 0.222 sec.

Avista Corp.: A Common Vision for Bull River | The Conservation Fund
Bull River Wildlife Management Area. Results The Bull River Wildlife Management Area now embraces migratory corridors for wildlife, from elk to grizzly bears, as well as spawning and rearing habitat for ...

Canada's Fossil Fuel Dependency
Lawrence. The proposed petroleum development areas support roughly 20,000 fishery workers and include important migratory corridors for fishes and marine mammals as well as fish spawning and nursery habitats. There are ...

A - Z Index | Oceans, Coasts, & Estuaries | U.S. EPA
The same areas that often attract human development also provide essential food, cover, migratory corridors, breeding/nursery areas for a broad array of coastal and marine organisms. Habitat loss and ...

From Baja California to the Bering Sea Priority Conservation Areas
East Pacific. These sites include especially unique areas such as the Gulf of California, important migratory corridors like Unimak Pass, and areas rich in biodiversity such as Monterey Bay. Marine experts consider ...

WWF - Increasing protection: the high seas
Seas areas in need of protection: Sensitive ecosystems vulnerable to damage from human activities Key migratory corridors and breeding areas for cetaceans and commercial fish stocks Priority areas for scientific research Functionally ...

Rocky Mountain Front Initiative: Grizzlies on the Front | The Conservation Fund
Mountain Front Initiative has moved forward with four projects, protecting 21,274 acres of critical migratory corridors for grizzly bears and a wide variety of other species that depend on the Front ...

Migratory Pollinators
Monarch Butterflies Education Outreach Glossary Publications & Literature Cited Collaborators Related Links Migratory Pollinators Program EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For over a decade, biologists have been ... is an emerging national priority, ecological conditions of migratory corridors have received far less attention. These migratory corridors, or "nectar corridors," consist of a series of stepping stones, ...

Farmed and Dangerous - June 27, 2008
Broughton Archipelago to create migratory corridors during the spring out-migration of wild juvenile fish to protect them against possible ... a release that under its Coordinated Area Management Plan (CAMP), the company will create migratory corridors in the Broughton Archipelago during the outmigration season from March 1st to June 30th ...

NatureServe: The NatureServe Conservation Conference 2009 “Conservation on the Move”
Conservation Pathways: issues and opportunities in linear habitats Transportation & other corridors; greenways; linear aquatic systems; maintaining connecting migratory corridors; examples of public-private partnerships Science on the Move Recent discoveries in ...

Livable Cities for the 21st Century: New Urbanism II
Green belts, scenic vistas and historic lands; Prime agricultural lands, and; Wildlife corridors and migratory routes. We recognize that the population of the United States and other nations is growing ...

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