migrant birds

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Results 1 - 10 from 106 for migrant birds in 0.598 sec.

Illegal Bird Trapping
THE MASSACRE OF MIGRANT BIRDS IN CYPRUS The geographical position of the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean gives it especial importance as a stopping place for millions of migrant birds moving between Africa, Europe and western Asia each year. During the northward migration in Spring, and the southward movement in the Autumn, huge numbers of birds of ...

LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy
Italy and Europe when they shoot huge numbers of protected birds. Another problem is the trapping and netting of songbirds such ... This Osprey was shot down at the Straits of Messina. The migrant birds cross from Sicily to Calabria in Spring and many thousands were killed ... including the brave efforts to stamp out the trapping of song birds around Brescia and support of the anti poaching camp at the ...

LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy
Roebuck and ... following: - The capture of birds with nets (in violation of the European directive on Birds). - The use of birds in public business (e. ... The Italian name for this group of birds, limicoli, (limo means mud) suggests that these birds live in muddy, watery habitats, ... More from this site

Migratory Birds and Climate Change
In such cases, a single severe winter event could decimate entire populations. Furthermore, migratory birds ``are particularly vulnerable as they depend heavily upon separate breeding, wintering and stop-over ... patterns in wintering areas affect the timing of the spring arrival of trans-Saharan migrant birds?" by Dr. Terry L. Root is available at (abstract): ...

Coastal and Pelagic Birds of Long Island
Most individuals are immature birds. Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperi) - same as aforementioned species. American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) - a common fall migrant along ... spring and fall migrant. A few birds seem to be found most falls at Mecox Bay. Breed in Great Lakes region. Royal Tern (Sterna maxima) - a regular fall migrant along the ...

flora and fauna - birds of the lytham st annes nature reserve
The following birds make up the regular breeding species, wintering birds and migrants. A pair of ... the 1980's but last bred in 1989. A few migrant Stonechats still occur. One or two pairs of Blackbird breed ... Hoopoe photograph courtesy of Chris Batty FLORA / BUTTERFLIES & MOTHS / OTHER INVERTEBRATES / BIRDS Copyright©2001-2004 Defend The Dunes. All rights reserved. Site ...

Where to see birds in NZ
Birds commonly seen: Wading birds are there all year round, but the main ... birds seen here is one of the longest for any area in New Zealand. It is perhaps best known for the wide variety of Arctic-breeding migrant wading birds that occur here over the summer, when birds that breed in Siberia and ...

Appendix Table : Summary checklist of the birds of the Gulf of Guin
Guinea islands This checklist is taken from the forthcoming British Ornithologists' Union checklist The Birds of the Gulf of Guinea by P. J. Jones and A. Tye. The GGCG ... ; R**= endemic species; R***= endemic genus); B= breeds (seabirds only); M= migrant (Afrotropical or Palearctic); V= vagrant / regular migrant in small numbers;  E= extinct; I= introduced; ?= status uncertain.  Offshore records ...

MMB Birds
Migrant Greater Yellowlegs Fairly Common Migrant Lesser Yellowlegs Numerous Migrant Pectoral Sandpiper Fairly Common Migrant Least Sandpiper Aundant Migrant Short-billed Dowitcher Uncommon Migrant Semipalmated Sandpiper Abundant Migrant Wilson's Phalarope Uncommon Migrant ...

Sable Island Birds
Sable Island Horses Behaviour Foals New Residents Naming Horses Sambro Bats Birds Wilma birds Bird Lists Beached Birds Marine Mammals Seal Survey Shark predation Cetaceans Fall Colours Winter Spring Wildflowers ... wood warblers and thrushes). It is probable that many of the common migrant land birds and most of the "rare birds” observed on the island are actually off course from their regular ...

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