Results 1 - 10 from 12 for mid miocene in 0.356 sec.
The Pinnipeds
Oligocene or early Miocene (25 million years ago), with a subsequent divergence into the presently known families. The second ... evolving from a bear like ancestor and the phocidae from otter like animals in the mid Miocene. However, with the advent of modern genetic testing, studies have shown that at a molecular ...
Manatee Brain
North Pacific (eastern & western= Japan). Dusisiren - Hydromalis was linear over 20 my from Miocene onward. Dusisiren shared Pacific coast with Dioplotherium allisoni. Dioplo had large tusks, & downturned snout ... soft kelps and in time lost their teeth (large kelps existed in California at mid Miocene. Dusisiren also had teeth. Dioplotherium disappeared with colder pacific climes and rugged coast ...
BP Exploration Coal Mine Mining Technology
PT Bumi Resources (100%); Government of Indonesia has a 13.5% royalty share Geology type Miocene (Recent) coal measures Mineral type High-volatile bituminous steam coal Reserve base 786Mt proven, plus ... , plus the development of the Bengalon reserve, some 25km from the existing Sangatta operations. In mid-2004, PT Bumi awarded the Australian contractor, Henry Walker Eltin, a $1.2bn, ten-year ... - National Parks of New Zealand - Whanganui National Park
Tertiary and mid-Quaternary periods. The phase of uplift started in the north in late Miocene and extended gradually south. The rocks are mostly mudstones ...
Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
Miocene epochs, represented by a pelvic bone fragment, a jaw fragment and some teeth. Today’s platypus loses its teeth when fully grown. But the Miocene platypus, Obdurodon insignis ... Etadunna and Namba formations of the Lake Eyre basin, South Australia date back to the mid-Miocene, approximately 15 million years ago. From the Etadunna and Ngapakaldi formations have come an ...
Mount Diablo Interpretive Association - Pliocene Park
Ice Age. The mid-Miocene time we are contemplating was an era of rolling grasslands ... The fossil record shows that Pliohippus, the Pliocene descendant of its Miocene ancestor, Merychippus (who browsed by the shores of our once ... the elk and the pronghom antelope. Dave Holt - 1993 Drawing: Syndoceras, Miocene antelope, leaping into the open savanna of San Ramon ...
Thylacoleo - The Classification of Thylacoleonids
Bow, New South Wales has been reported by Archer and Dawson (1982). Wakaleo: From the Miocene deposits of South Australia and the Northern Territory have come thylacoleonids which are considered by ... by Clemens and Plane (1974) of an edentulous (missing its teeth) skull fragment from the mid-Miocene Ngapakaldi Fauna. Possibly, it was a thylacoleonid, as it displays alveoli for an enlarged P3 ...
Thylacoleo - The Story of the Naracoorte Caves: Section Two
Cave development: Phreatic cave development in the ridge is thought to date from the mid-Miocene (Sprigg, 1952) following marine regression and occurred as a result of limestone solution in ... marine transgressive sands. Phreatic cave development in the ridge is thought to date from the mid-Miocene (Sprigg, 1952) following marine regression and occurred as a result of limestone solution in the ...
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Australian land mass. By the early Miocene period (22.5 to 5.5 million years BP) these islands enlarged and the numbers ... m. Johns (1977) splits the montane zone into three sub zones: the lower montane, the mid and the upper montane zone. Layout & Design Copyright © 1998 - 2003 Wolfgang H. Bandisch. Reproduction in ...
Earth and Space Sciences at U of W
Master's Exam Samantha Ewing, ESS Graduate Student Title: "Fe isotope variations in a mid-ocean ridge sulfide structure" Thursday, January 31 Dave Montgomery, UW, Earth and Space Sciences Department ... BEEN CANCELLED** MG & G Lunch Seminar Dr Cedric John, Texas A&M University Title: "Oligo-Miocene sea-level history: Adding one (carbonate) piece to the puzzle." Tuesday, February 12 **THIS SEMINAR ...
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