Results 1 - 10 from 21 for microbial flora in 0.635 sec.
SBR Technologies, Inc.
BEHP was mineralized directly to CO2 by indigenous microbial flora. The remaining 40 to 50% of the carbon was converted into cell mass. Additional bench ...
Environmental Fact Sheets, Treatment of air and gas : Biofiltration of gaseous effluents - AirScience Technologies, Enviro-Access
High temperatures, of the order of 40°C, can also reduce treatment effectiveness. In ... cooling and/or dust removal. The air is then passed through the biofilter, where the microbial flora remove contaminants, which are converted into water and carbon dioxide. The bacterial bed is ...
Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble, Chapter 8: Raising Land Productivity--A Second Harvest world population global economy bubble economy sustainable yield sustainable development carbon dioxide climate change global aver
The ammoniation of crop residues (the incorporation of nitrogen) in the roughage helps microbial flora in the rumen of the cattle and sheep to digest the roughage more completely. The ...
Biodiversity Conservation in Britain: Science Replacing
(Steel & Mills 1988), and has been detrimental to a few butterflies (Warren 1993). These ... as possible. All wildlife, including bacteria and viruses, deserves attention - many medicines are of microbial origin. This aim might be achieved through protecting several different measures of diversity: Species ...
Toward a Canadian Botanical Garden Biodiversity Action Plan
Furthermore, through out-reach materials integrated with the national ... that these non-profit institutions are able to gain appropriate access to plant, fungal, microbial and other biological resources. The exchange of these resources between botanical gardens is ...
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
A typical feature of islands is an impoverished native flora and fauna, relative to mainland areas of equal size. Second, in both Florida and Hawaii ... weed, less than 1 percent as abundant as in the peak years of the 1940s. Microbial pathogens are also used. For example, Bacillus popilliae now plays a key role in controlling ...
Workshop Seven-A
Expert Committee on Plant and Microbial Genetic Resources FAO role's is to help facilitate the formalization of agreements Expert Committee on Plant and Microbial Genetic Resources Established over ... specimens and collections are very useful for systematic studies good knowledge of local flora and ethnobotany documentation-evaluation is often very good heritage collections - history of plant ...
Hawai'i Coral Reef Network -- References
Goreau, T. F. 1964. Mass expulsion of zooxanthellae from Jamaican reef communities after Hurricane Flora. Science 145: 383-386. Grigg, R. W. 1983. Community structure, succession and development ... (1979). "Observations on naturally and artificially diseased tropical corals: A scanning electron microscope study." Microbial Ecology 5: 215-223. Dustan, P. (1977). "Vitality of reef coral populations off ...
Composting for Farm and Garden
In temperate countries there is unlikely to be a shortage of organic matter ... decomposer microorganisms are active at each of these stages so there is a succession of microbial activity, each microbe being limited by the temperature and the food or compost material available ...
Ecological Engineering Group
The interaction between plants and microbial communities in the rhizosphere is complex and has evolved to the mutual benefit of both ... systems are utilized. 8. It involves long-term and evolving land-use planning, using diverse flora and fauna in various ways at different times, recognizing that different species use different ...