methane hydrates

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Results 1 - 10 from 30 for methane hydrates in 0.197 sec.

NURP and CMDL's "Methane Hydrates and Climate Workshop" was a Success! (06/25/04)
NURP and CMDL's "Methane Hydrates and Climate Workshop" was a Success! (06/25/04) NURP and CMDL's "Methane Hydrates and Climate Workshop" was a Success! This story entered on 25th Jun, 2004 ... future of methane hydrate and climate research. The ocean floor is by far the largest sink for carbon on the planet, and the largest source of methane introduced in the oceans. Methane hydrates are ...

Methane hydrates | Energy Bulletin
Methane hydrates | Energy Bulletin home | search | peak oil primer | about us | contribute Methane hydrates Coal - August 6 staff, Energy Bulletin Dirty tactics to defend a dirty industry The ... (UK) Green groups warn against moving methane hydrates from beneath seabed archived April 3, 2005 12next ›last » news by category: Resources Coal Methane hydrates Natural gas Nuclear Oil Other resource ...

Methane Hydrates - Feb 28 | Energy Bulletin
Methane Hydrates - Feb 28 | Energy Bulletin home | search | peak oil primer | about us | contribute Methane Hydrates - Feb 28 Email this page Printer-friendly version RELATED NEWS: Coal - August 6 ODAC ... form called Methane Hydrates. Basically a frozen water/methane mix that looks like ice, but will burn. Until recently, when drilling for oil in the Arctic and hitting these hydrates, they sublimated ... More from this site

GreenHouse Gas Online - Greenhouse Gas News, Research and Resources
Methane Sources - Hydrates Methane hydrates are thought to be responsible for between 5 and 10 million tonnes of methane emissions to the atmosphere each year. Globally, there are huge amounts of methane stored as hydrates. It is estimated that there is about 3000 times more methane locked up as hydrates than is currently to be found in our atmosphere. Methane hydrates ...

About Methane
Man-made methane sources Energy related and ruminant methane dominate man-made methane sources. Global man-made methane ... More from this site

IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme
CO2 as hydrate deposits Ph3/25 Natural Gas and Methane Hydrates Ph3/27 Geological Storage of CO2 in Saline Aquifers: Report ... to reduce CO2 emissions Ph3/24 Methane and other non-CO2 greenhouse gases Reduction of methane emissions from: Coal mining Ph2/5 ... sources Ph2/9 Thermal destruction of solid wastes to mitigate methane emissions Ph2/18 Abatement of other greenhouse gases – Nitrous ...

Gas impact on fish and other marine organisms
This may be followed by the releasing of free methane with corresponding ... resource. The resource provides materials on levels, behavior and biological effects of methane, gas condensate and gas hydrates in the marine environment. Most data on gas impact are the results ...

December 2006 Shallow Methane Michael Riedel and colleagues at McGill University in Montreal have reported their discovery of methane hydrates at much shallower depth than expected during their research expedition in 2005. 23rd November 2006 Methane ...

Global warming and cooling during the past 400,000 years/TITLE>
Unconventional Gas [5] Unconventional gas includes coal bed methane (CBM), tight gas, shale gas, and gas hydrates. It includes "stranded gas" (gas located too far from a ... gas could be important in the future. Methane Hydrates In deep and cold water, natural gas forms a solid called methane hydrate. Huge quantities of methane hydrate are believed to exist world's ...

NURP's NIUST Targets Research of the Microbial Aspects of Gas Hydrates (05/18/05)
Hydrates (05/18/05) NURP's NIUST Targets Research of the Microbial Aspects of Gas Hydrates This story entered on 18th May, 2005 07:34:16 AM PST Methane hydrates are crystalline solids of methane and water that occur in Arctic permafrost and in deep-sea sediments along the world’s continental margins. The gas in hydrates, which exceeds ...

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