Results 1 - 3 from 3 for mean synchrony in 0.100 sec.
The Delta News
SEboot. As a follow-up test to look at how mean synchrony might vary with the ducks’ habitat preference, I compared the mean correlation ... canvasback and redhead to disperse may explain their low overall mean synchrony relative to the other duck species. In addition, mean synchrony values were correlated with the Johnson and Grier (1988) index ...
Reef Relief - Coral Reef Conservation: Science Education News Photos and Information
With nutrient pollution or eutrophication we mean an increase in nitrogen (usually as ammonium or nitrate) and phosphorus (as phosphate) in ... on aquatic marine environments. This is particularly so in temperate climes due to the unfortunate synchrony, with only a few exceptions, between peak seasons for boating and the occurrence of ...
Migratory Birds and Climate Change
Bird Species and Climate Change points out that ``climate change is pushing birds out of synchrony with key elements of their ecosystems.'' The fact that migratory birds are characteristically very prompt ... especially by migratory birds that may be traveling up to tens of thousands of miles, mean that drastic changes in any single world region could push a wide variety of bird ...