masked shrew sorex cinereus

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Results 1 - 9 from 9 for masked shrew sorex cinereus in 0.353 sec.

ASM | Mammals of Illinois
Least shrew Cryptotis parva uncommon statewide 957 43 active day and night Pygmy shrew Microsorex hoyi uncommon NE and SE corners 33 smallest mammal in the world Masked shrew Sorex cinereus common north 1/3 active day and night Southeastern Shrew Sorex longirostris common ...

ASM | Mammals of New Mexico
Sorex arizonae SE CF Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus CF Merriamís Shrew Sorex merriami CF 2 See Bermudez et. al. 1995. Southwestern Naturalist 40:336 Montane Shrew Sorex monticolus CF Dwarf Shrew Sorex nanus CF 131 New Mexico Shrew Sorex neomexicanus CF Water Shrew Sorex ... More from this site

ASM | Mammals of North Dakota
Sorex arcticus uncommon northern 1/4 and eastern 1/4 524 few live longer than 15 months in the wild Masked shrew Sorex cinereus statewide this species ranges into eastern Siberia Pygmy shrew Sorex hoyi uncommon eastern 1/8, northeast 3/4 33 smallest mammal in the world Merriam's shrew Sorex ...

ASM | Mammals of Ohio
Least shrew Cryptotis parva uncommon statewide 957 43 active day and night Pygmy shrew Microsorex hoyi uncommon southeast 1/3 33 smallest mammal in the world Masked shrew Sorex cinereus uncommon north and central active day and night Smoky shrew Sorex fumeus common ... More from this site

Georgia Wildlife Federation
Pigmy Shrew Microsorex hoyi Smoky Shrew Sorex fumeus Southeastern Shrew Sorex longirostris Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus Northern Short-tailed Shrew Blarina brevicauda Southern Short-tailed Shrew Blarina carolinensis Least Shrew Cryptotis parva ... Bat Lasiurus borealis Seminole Bat Lasiurus seminolus Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus Northern Yellow Bat Lasiurus intermedius Evening Bat Nycticeius humeralis ...

EDGE :: Species Search
Arizona shrew (Sorex arizonae)Armenian birch mouse (Sicista armenica)Arnham tomb bat (Taphozous kapalgensis)Arrogant shrew (Sylvisorex ... (Lonchorhina marinkellei)Maritime Worm Salamander (Oedipina maritima)Masked mouse-tailed dormouse (Myomimus personatus)Matheran Indian ... opossum (Gracilinanus dryas)Woolly flying squirrel (Eupetaurus cinereus)Woolly giant rat (Kunsia tomentosus)Woolly spider ...

Mammals in Kansas
Family Soricidae Northern Short-tailed Shrew - Blarina brevicauda Elliot's Short-tailed Shrew - Blarina hylophaga Least Shrew - Cryptotis parva Masked Shrew - Sorex cinereus Family Talpidae Eastern Mole - ... Bat - Lasionycteris noctivagans Eastern Red Bat - Lasiurus borealis Hoary Bat - Lasiurus cinereus Western Small-footed Myotis - Myotis ciliolabrum Gray Myotis - Myotis grisescens Little ...

Prevention and control of damage caused by shrews
Marsh shrew Sorex cinereus Cinereus or Masked shrew Sorex dispar Long-tailed or Rock shrew Sorex fontinalis Maryland or Eastern shrew Sorex fumeus Smokey shrew Sorex gaspensis Gaspe shrew Sorex haydeni Hayden's shrew Sorex (Microsorex) hoyi Pygmy shrew Sorex hydrodromus Pribilof Island shrew Sorex jacksoni St. Lawrence Island shrew Sorex longirostris Southeastern shrew Sorex ...

Shrews Shrews Least Shrew (Cryptotis parva) Long-tailed Shrew (Sorex dispar) Masked Shrew (Sorex cinereus) Northern Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina brevicauda) Pygmy Shrew (Sorex hoyi) Smoky Shrew (Sorex fumeus) Water Shrew (Sorex palustris)

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