Results 1 - 10 from 23 for martian surface in 0.211 sec.
Problem Solving Environments
Lunar Prospector mission, which ended in July 1999 with a controlled crash into the lunar surface. The site, which was implemented using Java applets, Javascript, Netscape LiveConnect, and other Web technologies ... they can post their arguments and refer to hundreds of three-dimensional images of the Martian surface. Researchers at NAS and the Ames Space Sciences Division designed the site to give all ...
Water: The Hub of Life
The abundance and availability of the biogenic elements at the martian surface completes the requirements for life. Given the presence of water and energy, it is plausible ... be present there. Just as rocks from the martian surface have been ejected into space by impacts, only to fall on the Earth as martian meteorites, rocks from Earth could be similarly transported ...
Mars Exploration Awards - Destination Mars
Martian Exploration Those fears were debunked when the first spacecraft arrived at the planet in the mid-1960's. Initial images showed a heavily-crater and arid planet. The Martian surface is covered in global dust storms that rage for a third of a year across its surface ...
Return to Mars @
Houston, Texas. Moments before reaching the surface, the craft sprouted air bags that cushioned its impact. The next day Sojourner, the first ... adventure. A. Watch Pathfinder’s fiery plunge and beachball landing. B. Peer across the dusty Martian surface. C. Take a virtual ride on the Sojourner rover. D. Spin the Sojourner around for ...
Return to Mars @
Come back weekly to press farther across the Martian surface. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS You’ll need CosmoPlayer (approximate download time on a 28.8 modem: 1 ...
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Science Discussion Forum Archive
Casimir effect... Oldest star... Chimp DNA... Nucleus composition... Toxoplasma gondii... SETI... Martian life... Binary orbits... Mummification... Nuclear batteries... Natural reactors... Black holes... ... the universe... Water on Mars... Gravity fields... Mandibular evolution... Global warming... Martian surface and CO2... Hydrogen economy... Intelligent design... Depleted uranium... Summer/Autumn ...
Viking Mars Lander - Milestones of Flight
September 3. Instruments aboard the spacecraft provided valuable information on the Martian atmosphere and surface. Biological experiments on the Viking landers did not detect signs of life or any ... . The Viking 1 Mars lander continued to transmit photographs and other data periodically from the Martian surface until November 1982, almost 6 1/2 years after its 1976 landing. The Viking 2 ...
Science Museum | Antenna Science News | Mighty asteroid morphed Mars
The north side has a much smoother surface and thinner crust than the south of the planet. Scientists previously thought movement within Mars ... mass. The way the gravitational field varies across the planet surface reflects the shape of the landscape. Circular craters on the martian surface - the usual kind Image: ESA The crater turns out to ...
Water in the Solar System
However in recent years, NASA spacecraft have found evidence that ... 's Mariner 9, Viking 1 and Viking 2 spacecraft showed us Martian channels carved as if by rivers and outwash plains scoured as ... of frozen water may persists in permafrost layers underground, near the surface at the poles, and also buried at lower latitudes. If some ...
Planetary Ejections and Cratering
Martian craters -- namely, the ring-walled structures with central mountain peaks." He continues by stating ... lied along the ancient equators. Furthermore, small craters have a glassy surface that appears to be due to radiation melting the surface. Pressure-induced, shocked rock is richer in rare earth elements ...
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