marmot descending

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Results 1 - 5 from 5 for marmot descending in 0.384 sec.

Rodent Sounds
Marmot Burrow Golden Marmot Alarm Call Alpine Marmot 0.010MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow Alpine Marmot descending whistle Menzbier's marmot 0.010MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow Menzbier's marmot single alarm call Mongolian Marmot ...

Marmot Sounds
Hoary Marmot 0.000MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow Hoary Marmot - ascending call Hoary Marmot 0.010MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow Hoary Marmot - descending call Hoary Marmot 0.020MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow Hoary Marmot ... More from this site

Pilgrimage in Tibet
All the flat terrain was undermined everywhere with the burrows of the 'rat-hare' or marmot; the travelers were constantly breaking into rat-hare holes, and the rat-hares themselves (they ... which point the cold took their breaths away; still they kept on all night, finally descending to an altitude where they could find water and grazing; then they were so exhausted ...

Alpine Marmot
Alpine Marmot Alpine marmot Marmota marmota Distribution. Alps, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Tatra mountains of Europe. Alpine marmots live in grazed ... marmots. Alpine marmots have two different alarm calls. They commonly whistle and occasionally produce a descending whistle. The more common whistle tends to be repeated a variable number of times and ...

Hoary Marmot
Olympic marmot, they have four alarm calls. Hoary marmot calls can be similarly described by the difference between the starting and ending frequencies. Calls may be ascending, descending, or relatively flat. Hoary marmots also trill. A summary of hoary marmot ... More from this site

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