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Ocean Giant Behavior and Video Documentation
Click on the blue marlin photograph to read Guy Harvey's article ...
NCMC Conservation News - effectiveness of longline time and area closures in US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico meant to conserve swordfish, sailfish, marlin, dolphin and sharks
Species discarded by longline gear include blue and white marlin, sailfish, endangered sea turtles, birds, marine mammals and undersize swordfish. While progress is being made in ... average bycatch during 1997-1999 (pre-closures) are: Juvenile swordfish -39.5% White marlin -47.5% Blue marlin -50.3% Sailfish -74.6% Dolphin -47.2% Large coastal sharks -27.9% Pelagic ...
Osprey Reef Project - preservation of the ocean environment
Reef include sperm whales, beaked whales, bottlenose dolphins, pilot whales, whale sharks, manta rays, marlin and sailfish. Osprey Reef is internationally renowned for its outstanding water clarity and its spectacular underwater scenery ...
Common Saltwater Sport Fish and Links
Striped Bass Spanish Mackerel Flounder Cobia Red Snaper Wahoo White Trout Jack Crevalle Bluefish Sailfish Blue Marlin White Marlin Tarpon Sharks Black Drum Sheepshead Bonito Dolphin Pompano Tripletail Blue Runner Helpful Links: Tide ...
Fastest In the Ocean
Sea Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus Location: Sailfish live in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in warm waters. Facts: The sailfish is related to other "billed" fish, such as Marlin and Swordfish, which are all very fast. But the sailfish ...
Costa Rica - Travel Section - Tours - Sportsfishing at Aguila de Osa Inn
Inn; included are sailfish, black marlin, blue marlin and the occasional striped marlin, yellowfin tuna and wahoo are also found in abundance. Inshore species include ...
Costa Rica - Travel Section - Tours - Warren Sellers Sportsfishing - Tamarindo
One show for 'Outdoors Sportsman' featuring Bob Stearns on catching sailfish on fly. And another show hosted by Larry Schoenborn for ... a breeding ground for tuna, therefore blue, black and striped marlin are ever present as their main diet is tuna. ... minute run time to offshore fishing for dolphinfish, tuna, sailfish, and marlin. Fishing is excellent throughout the year. From December through April ...
More from this site - FishNet USA #28 (September 27, 2005) - Nils Stolpe
In actuality, estimates were that on the order of 75 white marlin, 50 blue marlin and under 20 sea turtles ... marlin and 27 blue marlin, with 11 white marlin and 4 blue marlin “boated.” ( ) In total, during these three tournaments 1,194 white marlin and 135 blue marlin ... Featured Travel Stories - Paradise and Sailfish
Us Copyright© 1993-2006,® LLC Paradise and Sailfish- by Ed Kunze The Pacific Sailfish is one of the most exotic game fish found ... the rest. Three nice sailfish and another great day at the island. How big are these Pacific sailfish? While fishing with Paul ... December through June we have the giant yellowfin tuna and blue marlin. School size tuna and dorado are here year round. Sometimes ...
Marine Conservation News - NCMC Opposes Flawed Longline Research Plan in closed areas meant to conserve swordfish, sailfish, marlin, sharks, tuna and dolphin
Charleston Bump/Florida East Coast areas, including juvenile swordfish, white marlin, blue marlin, sailfish, dolphin-fish, large coastal and pelagic sharks. Although circle hooks have been shown ... compared with the pre-closure period 1997-99: Juvenile swordfish -39.5% White marlin -47.5% Blue marlin -50.3% Sailfish -74.6% Dolphin -47.2% Large coastal sharks -27.9% Pelagic ...
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