marine species conservation

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Results 1 - 10 from 326 for marine species conservation in 0.221 sec.

Sharks in Australian waters - Marine Species Conservation
Marine Species Conservation You are here: Environment home > Coasts and oceans > Marine species > Sharks Skip Navigation Marine species Marine species home Whales, dolphins & porpoises Dugongs EPBC List of marine species International conventions Marine and estuarine fishes Marine invertebrates Recovery and protection grants Marine ...

Marine Species Home Page
Marine Species Conservation You are here: Environment home > Coasts and oceans > Marine species Skip Navigation Marine species Marine species home Whales, dolphins & porpoises Dugongs EPBC List of marine species International conventions Marine and estuarine fishes Marine invertebrates Marine ... More from this site

WWF - Negotiating for endangered species
Species > Our Solutions > CITES, IWC, CMS CITES, IWC, CMS Whaling (IWC) Wildlife Trade Species Migration 2005 Negotiating for endangered species WWF uses international instruments and institutions to catalyse species conservation ... on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (also known as CMS or Bonn Convention) aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory species throughout ...

Manomet: Marine Fisheries Conservation
Marine Fisheries Conservation Discover Manomet Explore Our Initiatives Climate Change Natural Capital Shorebird Recovery Project Forest Conservation Banding Program Wildlife & Agriculture ... conservation of shorebirds. These remarkable birds face increasing threats from habitat loss, predation, disturbance, and other risks along their hemispheric migration routes. Over half of all shorebird species ...

Conservation International - Funding
Conservation International is well aware of the enormous power small businesses have in catalyzing change and conserving our environment. Global Marine Partnership FundĀ  The Global Marine Partnership Fund is designed to benefit marine species ...

Conservation International - Ensuring Species Survival
As part of the IUCN-World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List team, ... a sustainable environment. Once we understand a species' conservation (or threat) status, then we know how to help. Our studies help identify which species are threatened, where they occur, and what ... More from this site

Eden Again, Marshland Information - Bibliography, Conservation
Marine conservation survey of the Yemen Arab Republic, Red Sea Coast. IUCN. p. 84. 3. 1993. Conservation of the Dana and Azraq Protected Areas ... 1997. Focal species: a multi-species umbrella for nature conservation. Conservation Biology, 11: p. 849-856. 40. Lemly, D., Kingsford, R. T., Thompson, J. R. 2000. Irrigated Agriculture and Wildlife Conservation: Conflict ...

Marine Mammal Conservation Plans - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Beluga Whale (Cook Inlet population) Killer Whale (Southern Resident population) Northern Fur Seal (Pribilof Island/Eastern Pacific population) More Info ESA Recovery Plans for Marine Species Marine ...

Marine species/fish | Charles Darwin Foundation
Species: Rodolia cardinalis Origin: Australia Range: Twelve islands CDF Action: Introduced for biological control of cottony cushion scale insect (more) Marine species/fish One of the larger sea conservation areas in the world, the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) is also one of the more unique marine ecosystems due to ...

Proactive Species Conservation Grant Program - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Species Marine Mammals Cetaceans Pinnipeds Marine Turtles Marine & Anadromous Fish Marine Invertebrates & Plants Species of Concern Threatened & Endangered Species Critical Habitat Maps Contact OPR Glossary OPR Site Map Proactive Species Conservation Grant Program Background | Species of Concern/Candidate Species List | Proactive Species Conservation ...

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