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Manatee FAQ: Anatomy and Physiology
In spite of their size, they have very little body fat. These factors may account for their susceptibility to cold water. Because manatees are herbivores, their metabolic rate is low compared with other aquatic mammals. Q. How can manatees go such a long period of time without taking a breath? A. Manatees, like ...
Manatee FAQ: Food
A. Manatees are herbivores (plant-eaters), feeding on a large variety of submerged, emergent, and floating plants. Seagrass beds and freshwater submerged aquatic vegetation are important feeding sites for manatees. Manatees ...
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Florida Manatee - Defenders of Wildlife
Length 10-12 feet Weight 1,500-1,800 lbs Lifespan 50-60 years in the wild Diet Herbivores ... manatees have a pattern of scars on their backs or tails after surviving collisions with boats. Scientists use these patterns to identify individuals. Manatees are ...
The evolution of elephants, introduction
Ungulata, (Latin: meaning "provided with hoofs"), evolving from the large primitive mammal herbivores named Condylartha, forked in five groups: (Eisenberg 1981) Cete (whales and dolphins) Meridungulata (extinct ... elephants may have developed from aquatic animals, and that they are closely related to the Sirenia (dugong and manatees), and that the order Proboscidea ("trunkanimals") and the sea ...
Manatee Brain
West Indian manatees are, geologically speaking, relative newcomers to the Caribbean. For millions of years, their cousins the ... been reached by humans. (Bering island) The four living sirenians are similar in several respects. They all are marine herbivores, have specialized dentition and horny plates in the mouth which aid ...
Reef Relief - Coral Reef Conservation: Science Education News Photos and Information
FMRI found over 204 manatees that died from respiratory suffocation due to Red Tide exposure. "Right now we are advising people not to consume or touch ... (herbivores) obtain the necessary energy to live by eating plants. Animal eating animals (carnivores) eat herbivores or other carnivores. This way energy is transferred through the food chain from plants to herbivores ...
They are herbivores and eat primarily submerged and floating plants. Habitat & Range Florida manatees inhabit the coastal waters of the Southeastern U.S. ... of manatees are also found in Puerto Rico and coastal areas of the Caribbean and Central and South America. Threats to Manatees Fast-moving power boats are the greatest threat to manatees—killing ...
The majority of non-bivalve molluscs are active herbivores, scavengers and predators. Bivalves, like mussels and razorshells, are filter-feeders - that is, they sift their food from surrounding seawater siphoned through their body. species welcome alien species anemones and corals (the cnidarians) crustaceans fish manatees ...
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