Results 1 - 10 from 25 for mallard anas platyrhynchos in 0.516 sec.
Checklist of Birds for Hilton Pond Center
F (gosling) . Wood Duck Aix sponsa X N, F * Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis X - . Mallard Anas platyrhynchos X . . Blue-winged Teal Anas discors X - . Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris X - . Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis ...
Intellectual Property Services
CD-ROMs, or videos, at reasonable rates. Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos Highlights from Nature's image library include: spectacular photographs of mineral specimens from our world ...
SCWP | Fereydoon Kenar, Ezbaran & Sorkhe Rud Damgahs | Iran
Anas spp.) and Geese (Anser spp), as well as large raptors. Threatened species recorded at the ... wetlands in the South Caspian lowlands. Relatively few birds other than common species such as mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and teal A. crecca are trapped, and thus for the many thousands of other ducks ...
SABO's Avian Oddities: Hybrid Mallard at Sweetwater Wetlands
Mallard discovered at Sweetwater Wetlands 26 February 2001 by Jim Parks This unusual drake is likely the offspring of a mating between "Common" Mallard (the familiar subspecies) and "Mexican Duck" (Anas platyrhynchos diazi), formerly a full species but now considered a Mallard subspecies. Full-blooded ...
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) by Wanda Gorsuch Common Names: Greenhead (drake), green-headed mallard (drake), susie (hen), gray duck (hen), northern mallard Perhaps one of the most widely recognized ducks in North America, the Mallard ...
FLMNH bird photos archive
K) Dove: Mourning Dove, Zenaida macroura (71K) Dove: Mourning Dove, Zenaida macroura (51K) Duck: Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos (96K) Duck: Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos (110K) Duck: Wood Duck, Aix sponsa (137K) Eagle: Ba ld Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus (109K ...
Birds in Kansas
Anas strepera *Eurasian Wigeon - Anas penelope American Wigeon - Anas americana American Black Duck - Anas rubripes Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos Mottled Duck - Anas fulvigula Blue-winged Teal - Anas discors Cinnamon Teal - Anas cyanoptera Northern Shoveler - Anas clypeata Northern Pintail - Anas acuta *Garganey - Anas ...
Anas platyrhynchos (Anatidae) - HEAR species info
Anas platyrhynchos Nomenclatural information about Anas platyrhynchos is provided by ITIS. Full-text articles Hawaiian duck's future threatened by feral mallards The Koloa maoli is threatened by "genetic extinction" from hybridization with invasive Mallard ...
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Nature Journal with Photos Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Mallard Information Length: 20 - 28" Habitat: Breeding habitat: Edges of lakes, rivers ... information: Aquatic Environments Photo of Mallard, description, distribution, reproduction, ecology, behavior, vocalization. Nature Photography by David Blevins Photos of male Mallard in flight. Birds | Butterflies | Mammals ...
Hopper Moutain National Wildife Refuge Complex
Fox sparrow (Passerella illiaca) - Western tanager (Piranga ludoviciana) - Gadwall (Anas strepera) - Wilson's warbler (Wilsonia pusilla) - Hermit thrush (Catharus guttatus) - ... (Vireo huttoni) - Lazuli bunting (Passerina amoena) - Lewis' woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis) - Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) - Northern oriole (Icterus galbula) - N. rough-winged swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis ...
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